We did it!
Marie Bailey raised £6,920 from 272 supporters
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Closed 01/08/2021
Iʼve raised £6,920 to Lily-Mae adventures
- Stoke-on-Trent
- Funded on Sunday, 1st August 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
This month has been devestating for our family. Last week Ash got diagnosed with Huntingtons disease. As if this wasnt awful enough now our beautiful Lily-Mae has been diagnosed with childhood onset of this cruel disease At only 6 years of age.
The reason for setting up this fundraiser is because her life has been significantly shortened (Prognosis of around age 15 at best). There is no cure or way to slow it down. She is already displaying syptoms and has deteriorated. We want to do as much as we can to make her little life amazing and make lots of memories before she is too unwell. Unfortunately we dont have the money to make all this happen in such a small amount of time. We would really appreciate any contributions to help us achieve this.
Our first goal is to take her to Disneyland Paris!
further goals and fundraising events will follow.
love and thanks from the Baileys
Ash, Rie, lily-mae and luna-rose xxx
Just a quick note to say Lil and Luna both have no idea that lil is poorly or what this means. So we ask you to be sensitive if you speak to us with the children present or if u tell your own children. lil has the same hopes and dreams as any little girl and i want her to still believe she will grow up and have babies and be a ballerina 💕
- 5 years ago
Marie Bailey
5 years agoIt’s for next March🤞 We have booked the Disney hotel and will be arranging lots of extras like princess lunch, character breakfasts etc. This is a once in a lifetime trip and we couldn’t have even considered it without all of the donations so thank you so much! It’s costing an absolute fortune and we haven’t even booked flights yet! I can’t thank everyone enough! I shall post an update soon of a bucket list I’ve been creating based on Lils interests and things she’s asked about so watch this space! Thank you all so much xxx
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- 5 years ago
Marie Bailey
5 years agoWe’ve reached £5000!!!! Thank you so much to everyone for donating and sharing it means so much to us! We have so many plans and none of this could happen without this support.
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- 5 years ago
Marie Bailey
5 years agoWow!!!! Over £3000 now! Thank you so much to everyone for donating and sharing and messaging! Please don’t stop now, the more we raise the longer we can go for and more extras we can afford to make it the most magical trip for our girls ever !!!
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Marie Bailey started crowdfunding
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May 31, 2021
May 30, 2021
Eden and Rio
May 18, 2021
Kelly frost
Apr 4, 2021
Mrs Williamson
Dec 25, 2020
From Mrs Williamson's Dad Smallthorne Academy! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas x
Carol Bradbury
Dec 10, 2020
We hope so much that you reach beyond your target xx
Dec 8, 2020
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