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Kate McGenity raised £6,166 from 182 supporters
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Closed 15/07/2021
Iʼve raised £6,166 to remember Liam McGenity
- Funded on Thursday, 15th July 2021
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Liam McGenity heartbreakingly took his life on Tuesday 2nd March 2021, at the young age of 29. In recent years he had faced a challenging battle within his own mind and with the world around him.
He was wickedly hilarious, a breath of fresh air, a loving free spirit, a beacon of endless courage and energy, phenomenally talented, and most admirably, unapologetically himself.
He was passionate about everything he believed in and everything he did, and the passion that remained with him always, was his love of music.
Lots of people have asked where they can send a donation in memory of Liam. We thought it fitting to support a local charity that Liam had benefited from, and we believe can help many other young people.
Four Estates is a Halton charity founded by local residents wishing to bring about positive changes in the community and to improve the quality of life for local people.
Any funds raised in Liam's name will specifically go towards music programmes to inspire and support young people. Four Estates have already helped countless people reap the benefits of using music as self-expression and as a means for personal growth.
- 4 years ago
Kate McGenity
4 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 4 years ago
Kate McGenity
4 years agoBig thank you to everyone who has donated so far, we are overwhelmed and touched by your incredible generosity XXX
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Kate McGenity started crowdfunding
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Daniel Cagliarini
May 14, 2021
Ben thornett
May 2, 2021
Only met liam a handful of times but he left a big impact, rest in peace mate
May 2, 2021
Colm Heathcote
Apr 30, 2021
Apr 30, 2021
Alex Davies
Apr 26, 2021
Celine Goodwin
Apr 12, 2021
Beautiful way to remember Liam. Thinking of you all xx
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