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BRIDGET DALLISON raised £23,010.65 from 946 supporters
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Closed 31/12/2020
Iʼve raised £23,010 to LETS HELP WILLIAM WALK AGAIN X
- Sheffield
- Funded on Thursday, 31st December 2020
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Last Monday William was put into an induced coma and we were told he wasn’t likely to make the night. Tuesday morning his heart stopped and he was brought back to life.Amazingly, this week he has surpassed everyone’s expectations and bit by bit the doctors have been able to reduce his support! The doctors are hoping to be able to wake him later this week.
William and his family still have a long way to go and some difficult days to endure. Unfortunately the sepsis has caused some irreversible damage to his hands and feet meaning he is going to suffer some degree of limb loss, for now the plastic surgeons believe this to be one leg above the knee and one leg below the knee and several digits from his hands.
This devastating news is going to mean massive changes for William and his family including prosthetic limbs, rehabilitation and adaption of the family home to make his recovery and every day life a little easier after this traumatic ordeal.
We are trying to raise as much money as possible to help towards making William and his families future a little easier by hopefully putting some money forward towards prosthetics /home adaptations etc so they can concentrate their efforts into getting their little boy better, and back to the happy care free beautiful boy he is 💙
- 5 years ago
5 years agoA little update.... William is still continuing with his journey. He will soon be starting school& has enjoyed some short breaks away with his family. William& his family have also been doing what they can to raise awareness of Sepsis, and have appeared on Channel 5 news as well as ITV news recently. Again their selflessness shines through, in wanting to make other families aware of the signs of sepsis, so hopefully others dont have to suffer the pain they've endured as a family this year. We continue to raise funds for Williams journey xxx
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- 5 years ago
5 years agoToday William picked up a his new legs, complete with burnt wolf bottom and three little pigs :) This was a day his family was previously dreading, but now as he's come so far after his surgery it turned into an exciting day. He has worked super hard in the mobility centre and was beaming bringing his new legs home! Now the real work starts, but we are so excited to watch Williams progress and for him to continue to amaze us with his positive attitude and determination. In these strange times we should all try and bemoreWilliam!!! :) xxx
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- 5 years ago
5 years agoWilliam has settled back in amazingly at home and it’s been lovely for the family to be back together after speaking with Gemma, Williams mum. He is still having physio and getting stronger everyday. He was due to be cast for his prosthetics soon but this is currently on hold with the covid situation. Being home has also been a reality check of just how much extra help and support William needs, and how much of his independence he has lost. The fund gives us hope for his future and for that we cannot thank everyone enough xxx
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BRIDGET DALLISON started crowdfunding
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Caroline McCarthy
Dec 26, 2020
Keep going William. You're an inspiration to us all
Oct 12, 2020
Please update us on wonderful William's progress. Why are donations so slow coming in. He and his family deserve every help.
Oct 1, 2020
Wishing you all the very best .
Sep 30, 2020
Keep going beautiful boy and your wonderful family. A long road ahead but you will do it. Why isn't the total going up more quickly? You all deserve every help. Keep giving everyone please.
Helen white
Sep 13, 2020
Hope you reach your goal! Xx
Sep 13, 2020
With you in spirit every mile Emma ❤️❤️Xx
Sep 11, 2020
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