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Natasha Tsangarides raised £15,389 from 364 supporters
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Closed 26/09/2015
Iʼve raised £15,389 to give food, water & shelter to refugees in Lesvos
- Lesvos, Greece
- Funded on Saturday, 26th September 2015
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To deliver basic humanitarian items like food, water and shelter to refugees who arrive in Lesvos in Greece.
Over 181,000 refugees have arrived by sea in Greece this year, most to Lesvos. 66% come from Syria. Greece is in crisis and cannot cope with managing the situation. There is very limited presence of international NGOs and the backbone of the humanitarian response has come from grassroots voluntary groups. Let's support them to provide clean water, food & shelter for the refugees.
- 10 years ago
Natasha Tsangarides
10 years agoTHANK YOU!! Your support has been incredible. The volunteer organisations here are working flat out, delivering basic needs to the refugees who arrive. This financial support enables us to support them to do their job better. I have already started dispatching water & materials for shelter and will continue to work with them to get them what they need. Refugees, volunteers and myself are incredibly grateful for your donations. Despite this being a very difficult situation, these acts of solidarity and kindness are what makes things easier and give us all hope. So, thank you. I will update on twitter via @tsanga10. If this page stays active, I will also update here. With love & thanks, Natasha
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- 10 years ago
Natasha Tsangarides
10 years agoThanks and love for all the donations and messages of support. Here is some information about what's happening on the ground in Lesvos: http://newint.org/features/web-exclusive/2015/09/07/refugee-crisis-greece-lesvos/
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- 10 years ago
Natasha Tsangarides
10 years agoHi everyone - just to say a huge thank you to everyone who has donated, especially to the anonymous people who I haven't been able to thank directly. The situation is dire but your solidarity and generosity amazes me. The more we exceed the target, the greater reach we have. xx
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Natasha Tsangarides started crowdfunding
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Oct 2, 2015
Thank you
Lucy (friend of Emily Bell)
Oct 1, 2015
Really, sorry, my first donation didn't go through - trying again
alexandros chatzipanagiotou
Sep 28, 2015
bravo for your efforts and humanitarian aid to the desperate people in need.
Sep 28, 2015
Sep 27, 2015
Onno Zweers (@Hellas_nieuws)
Sep 26, 2015
Sep 26, 2015
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Natasha Tsangarides
Lesvos, Greece
Hi, I’m Natasha. I’ve worked for refugee organisations in the UK and overseas for the past 9 years. I’m now living in Greece and am heartbroken to see that refugees who have escaped war arrive in Europe and do not even have their basic human rights met.