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Sara raised £3,015.5 from 86 supporters
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Closed 04/12/2020
Iʼve raised £3,015 to build a water pump in the name of Leema and Sitara Waleed
- Funded on Friday, 4th December 2020
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There was not one without the other, Leema and Sitara, the light of their parents‘ eyes. They had contagious smiles that could fill a room, not to forget their humour that could make anyone laugh.
Two sisters, daughters and best friends, they had so much ahead of them. Leema was 22 years old and was going to graduate from University in Quetta this year. Sitara was 21 year old and was in her fourth semester of University in Quetta. They were both top of their class and well respected and liked students. Both their dreams have been cut short, when they drowned in Bolan River, Quetta, at 18:00 on 3rd of August 2020.
The family planned a trip to the river side to celebrate Eid. The sisters had dipped their feet into the water to take pictures and create beautiful memories. However, Sitara slipped and dropped into the Bolan River. She was caught by a strong current that pulled her away. Leema went into the water to rescue her sister. Within a few minutes the body of Leema was floating and the body of Sitara was found a few hours later. God knew to take both of the lives of these beautiful souls because one simply couldn't survive without the other.
With the donations received we are looking to build a water pump in the name of Leema and Sitara.
- 5 years ago
5 years agoThank you for the overwhelming support and making us reach our target in hours. We have now increased the target. Our target has been reached, any remainder left from the water pump will be given to the family to cover any costs.
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Sara started crowdfunding
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Sep 20, 2020
Aug 14, 2020
Aug 14, 2020
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. Rest in peace my beautiful cousins.
Aug 14, 2020
Aug 13, 2020
Aug 13, 2020
In’sha’Allah this is completed soon.
Aug 13, 2020
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