We did it!
Aimee Wilson raised £35 from 3 supporters
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Closed 02/10/2019
Iʼve raised £35 to help fund Listening Ear And Positive Support (LEAPS) a support group for unwaged people who are unemployed due to physical or mental illness
- Funded on Wednesday, 2nd October 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
LEAPS was set up in 2009 and has gone from strength to strength. There's five committee members: Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Chair, Deputy Chair, Treasurer, Advertising Manager and Advertising Assistant.
The group meet once a week to support members who are struggling with the difficulties unwaged people face including stigma, state benefits, access to mental health services and medical appointments. LEAPS support people through providing a safe place and a listening ear for members to voice their concerns and difficulties about their daily living.
A lot of our members are unemployed due to physical and mental illnesses and so they require a variety of levels and types of support which can range from needing to use a phone to getting advice on accessing their local social services.
LEAPS have done a number of activities in an attempt to raise money for the group and have had a project (called Wellness Weeks) funded by the National Lottery which allowed members to go on a therapeutic trip, have a Cognitive Behaviour Therapy workshop and take part in a huge arts and crafts project.
For more details about the group please visit our website: www.leapsonline.co.uk
Or follow our Twitter:
Updates appear here
Aimee Wilson started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Ben Carthy
Jun 21, 2019
Good Luck!
Jennifer Mcateer
Jun 5, 2019
Here you go Leaps! Just a small contribution to help you continue your great work. Keep it up!
Martin Baker
Jun 4, 2019
Very happy to support the work you and LEAPS are doing.
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