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Lara Barnes raised £1,960 from 44 supporters


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Closed 27/09/2019

raised of £5,000 target by 44 supporters

    Iʼve raised £1,960 to Save Hastings Chess Congress

    Funded on Friday, 27th September 2019

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    At this time of year, the organisers of Hastings International Chess Congress are usually busy preparing the entry form for the annual event which starts at the end of December. To enable this, a new lead sponsor is needed to replace the Tradewise Insurance Company, whose agreed term of support came to an end after the 2018-2019 event.

    Hastings Borough Council, which has co-sponsored the tournament for many many years, is willing to continue its support, but this requires match-funding. The Congress is seeking to raise £10,000 – £15,000 to enable this historic and world-renowned event to take place as usual at the end of this year. So far, £2,000 has been pledged towards this target. The present day Congress, which takes place from 28th December until 6th January each year, brings considerable income to the town at a time of year when visitors are scarce.

    Each year the event attracts around 400 entries from over 20 countries and provides excellent opportunities for aspiring chess champions to achieve international honours. The careers of many illustrious chess players have benefitted from playing here, and the event also provides a feast of chess for ordinary club players. The games in the Masters tournament are broadcast worldwide, and this IT aspect is something which could easily be exploited to the sponsor’s advantage.

    The recent success of the English team securing the Silver Medal at the World Open Team Championship also owes some debt to Hastings – all members of the team have honed their skills at the HICC in the past.

    The great Hastings tournament of 1895 cemented its place in chess history, being the strongest worldwide of the 19th century. The list of participants reads like a roll-call of the world’s greatest chess players. It has now become an integral part of Hastings and English heritage. The centenary of the Hastings International Chess Congress will take place in 2020-2021.

    Past sponsors include – The Times, ICL, Foreign & Colonial Financial Management and Tradewise Insurance Company Ltd. Sponsorship is being sought urgently to ensure the continuation of the event this year. However, the ultimate aim is to attract a major sponsor which would enable the Congress to recover its past status on the international chess calendar and reach another centenary in 2024-25.



    • Lara Barnes6 years ago
      Lara Barnes

      Lara Barnes

      6 years ago

      Thus, if it is your wish to withdraw your offer, you are fully entitled to do so. Please note that Hastings Congress is like a bottomless pool and you can be certain that your support will be put to good use, either this year or next, which will see the Centenary of the Hastings International Chess Congress. Please let us know as soon as possible. This will help us prepare the budget, and many thanks for your much appreciated support in our hour of need.

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Lara Barnes6 years ago
      Lara Barnes

      Lara Barnes

      6 years ago

      We are delighted to announce that we have secured business sponsorship for the 2019-2020 Congress. This is adequate, including the Hastings Borough Council support, to ensure the continuation of the Hastings International Congress 28 December 2019 to 5 January 2020. Your promised donations are extremely valuable to us. Indeed your offers to help were very comforting at a difficult time. However the emergency has passed. tbc

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    • Lara Barnes6 years ago
      Lara Barnes

      Lara Barnes

      6 years ago
      Update from the Page owner

      Share this update to help us raise more

    6 years ago

    Lara Barnes started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 7/26/2019 10.26



    • Anonymous


      Jul 26, 2019

    • Anonymous


      Jul 14, 2019


    • Anonymous


      Jul 9, 2019

      hope you save Hastings


    • Anonymous


      Jul 8, 2019


    • Michael Hardman

      Michael Hardman

      Jul 8, 2019

      I've played at Hastings many times. A great congress which deserves to continue.


    • Sean Parker

      Sean Parker

      Jul 8, 2019

      All the best with the fundraising. I sincerely hope you manage to keep this iconic tournament running.


    • Anonymous


      Jul 1, 2019


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