We did it!
Joe Faulkner raised £695 from 39 supporters
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Closed 25/12/2020
Iʼve raised £695 to fund the 'Lakes Litter Initiative' through July and August. #LakesLitterInitiative will be litter picking in the Lake District
- Ullswater, Cumbria
- Funded on Friday, 25th December 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Throughout the past few months, one or two of us have been quietly picking up litter in our local areas of the Lake District. We are facing a crisis point, not least due to the Covid-19 lockdown easing and the increased in 'staycations' this Summer.
We have been aiming to work colaborative with authorities and organisations on this issue. Our back ground tends to be in Outdoor Education, hence engaging with people in the outdoors, who currently maybe visiting The Lakes for the first time.
I believe in simple effective action. Basically I pick up rubbish, but I try engage positively to encourage others to help.
Whilst I'll happily contiune doing my bit as I have always done, others have been asking how they can help? One answer is to, 'Go outside and pick up some stuff'. Others, who live away may care to donate some cash.
In short a few pounds will enable me to keep doing what I do. It will put fuel in my car, buy me more gloves, bags, hand gel and equipment. It will allow me to do more and hopefully help others and fund a longer term project to engage and educate an increasing numbers of visitors.
You can find out more of my activities on my facebook page - Joe Faulkner - with a new SocMedia account out soon - Lakes Litter Initiative.
- 5 years ago
Joe Faulkner
5 years agoThanks to you all, you good people. And thanks for sharing. I'm hoping this will go big, you rinput and belief is very much appreciated.
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Aug 16, 2020
Great work.
Fairweather Tandemers
Jul 24, 2020
Paul T
Jul 23, 2020
Shame it’s needed but good proactive initiative.
Antonio Codina
Jul 23, 2020
Great idea Joe
Jack Ingham
Jul 23, 2020
Jul 23, 2020
Jul 23, 2020
Thanks Joe, a little contribution toward keeping the beautiful Lakes still beautiful.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Joe Faulkner
Ullswater, Cumbria
Lakes based Outdoor Educationalist, Adventure Safety and Logistics provider. Founder of NAV4 Adventure, which co-supports what I aim to do with the #LakesLitterInitiative. No such thng as a bad idea. And from little acorns oaks trees grow.