We did it!
ST GREGORY'S PTFA raised £6,580 from 268 supporters
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Closed 03/02/2022
Iʼve raised £6,580 to fund school books
- Funded on Thursday, 3rd February 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
Our school is in need of books!
Reading for ALL of our children is such a high priority that the ladies of St Greg’s have spun into action and resolved to spin from Marnhull to Rome, a whopping 2000 miles in just 24Hrs.
Parents, governors, staff and friends of St Greg’s are seeking your help in funding a defined series of high quality, inspiring and aspirational texts to engage our boys and girls across all ages.
The way in which children are taught to read is a priority for school inspectors, under the new educational inspection framework, St Greg’s will undergo a mandatory reading deep dive or in-depth examination of our reading. To fulfil this we need to invest in our books
Please help us raise the £6250 we need to fund this most crucial element of our children’s education.
St Greg's are proudly supported in this challenge by Robert Frith Optometrists.
Updates appear here
ST GREGORY'S PTFA started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Mike & Jane
Feb 2, 2022
Well done to the ladies of St Greg’s.
Karen neary
Feb 1, 2022
Well done
Ed & Shelagh Cudlip
Feb 1, 2022
Well done to all the team!!
Feb 1, 2022
Very proud of you DW. Great effort by all that took part.
The Burtons
Jan 27, 2022
Great achievement. Shout out to Pippa Jeffries!
Tom and Terry
Jan 26, 2022
Well done everybody
Mansons (of Shea partnership)
Jan 25, 2022
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