Kristal Destiny is crowdfunding
Iʼm raising £1,000 to Help Kristal Destiny finish her mission of getting Pop'n'Olly booksets into every Peterborough primary school.
- Peterborough, Cambs
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A few years ago I started fundraising to help get Pop’n’Olly story booksets into every Peterborough primary school. Sadly due to the pandemic and the cost of living crisis that followed it has been difficult to complete this project but I am determined. Over this next year I hope to raise more money to ensure every school gets the bookset they need.
Pop'n'Olly books are an amazing way of teaching diversity, equality and acceptance to young children and schools can also benefit from additional free teaching resources as well as teacher training and primary class visits. We live in a beautiful diverse world and we need to teach kids that everybody is equal and valid. Teaching acceptance and diversity to young children is crucial for fostering inclusive, compassionate, and equitable societies. By instilling these values early on, we can help create a future generation that embraces diversity, promotes social justice, and respects the inherent worth and dignity of every individual.
Let's make our future Peterborough a more tolerant and accepting City by giving our children the education and tools to embrace diversity instead of fearing it. Please help me do that.
Thank you,
Kristal Destiny
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- 1 year ago
Kristal Destiny
1 year agoThank you for all your support so far. Today I sent a donation of £150.00 to Pop'n'Olly which included: £75.00 from Just Giving fundraiser so far £50.00 from doing storytime sessions £25.00 from offline donations And it's Black Friday so this donation will go further! Still lots more books to fundraise for so please share this page with friends and family! 💖💋
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Kristal Destiny started crowdfunding
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Lucy Lunatique
Oct 9, 2023
Good luck, such a wonderful cause xx
Oct 8, 2023
Yvette Diaz-Munoz
Aug 3, 2023
Such a great initiative. Well done! 💫
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
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