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Hannah Paine raised £800 from 20 supporters
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Closed 10/05/2023
Iʼve raised £800 to help Kit's FIP journey
- Funded on Wednesday, 10th May 2023
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On Tuesday 4th April 2023 Kit, a 2 year old Romanian cat, arrived to her new forever home. We adopted her through the same rescue as Mouse, our dog.
Kit was affectionate, always purring and followed our daughter everywhere, wanting pets. She had settled in well.
Yesterday, Saturday 8th April we come home after being out a few hours and went to check on Kit and feed her. I first notice she hadn't touched her food and was lying floor awkwardly, she couldn't stand up. Kit was rushed to the emergency vets as she was experiencing major tremors, no appetite and had lost all control of her legs.
The vets checked her temperature -it was 40+. They admitted her overnight. Her bloods came back normal, but her biochemistry was up unusual. The vets are now considering Kit has FIP. She did test negative before she left Romania.
Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a viral disease of cats caused by certain strains of the feline coronavirus.
There are no clear tests to diagnose FIP but if she doesn't improve, Tuesday they will be running more investigations.
Pre 2021 this disease was fatal but the Royal Veterinary College of London have started treating cats affected by FIP with two newly available anti-viral drugs.
The downside, it would cost in the excess of £5000+ for treatment alone and although her insurance would cover this, the policy won't let us claim for the first 14 days. We had Kit 5 days.
The rescue we got her from have said they can help if we set up a fundraiser. We owe the vets £600 for consult, 2 nights stay, 1 antibiotics shot and 1 anti inflammatory shot and blood tests. I dread to think how much more for further testing and then treatment for FIP.
If the specialists see her Tuesday and decide not to go further, we will be using all donations towards her investigations they have currently put in place.
If anyone has any cat loving friends that want to help contribute anything or share our story to help Kit be saved please please consider 💓💓💓
- 2 years ago
Hannah Paine
2 years agoKit tested positive for FeCov. She is very sleepy, lethargic, refusing to eat and is unsteady on her feet and with her coordination. We have 33 days of tablets but Kit is refusing them and a treatment course for FIP would include remdesivir for 7-14 days (an injection form) and then the tablets to total 84 days. We have paid for 14 days of Remdesivir. Although after those 14 days of injections and the 33 days of the tablets, we'd still need another 37 days of tablets costing £700+ for the remaining 37 days. We hope to see an improvement soon 🤞
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- 2 years ago
Hannah Paine
2 years agoKits home! Our vets are re- testing for FeCoV. The rescue have been amazing and have sent us an antiviral to start to treat FIP, arriving this week. She's on antibiotics and has a vet check up soon. Kit is still tremoring but her temperature is now low. We are monitoring her at home and await results. Thank you all for your kind contributions. Kit is lucky to have many people caring for her. The bill so far is £677 we still have the bloods (£200+)and further tests. We are praying for answers soon so we can start the treatment she needs.
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- 2 years ago
Hannah Paine
2 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Hannah Paine started crowdfunding
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May 9, 2023
Stay strong Kit x
Apr 24, 2023
Good luck.
Apr 15, 2023
Liv Meaden
Apr 11, 2023
Lydia Tait
Apr 10, 2023
Ali Myles
Apr 10, 2023
Get well soon Kit x
Apr 10, 2023
I really hope you can help this baby ❤️
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