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Bryan Thomas Jones raised £1,118.5 from 34 supporters
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Closed 28/06/2017
Iʼve raised £1,118 to Send a KITCHEN TO KATHMANDU. SGCP cerebral palsy school only has a tiny cooker. I have got them a kitchen. Help me get it to them
- Kathmandu, Central Development Region, Nepal
- Funded on Wednesday, 28th June 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
In February I visited Kathmandu with Dave Phoenix who has raised tens of thousands of pounds to provide schools for migrant children working in the brick fields around Nepal. While there we also went to the Cerebral Palsy Self-Help School in Lalitpur.
This is the ONLY SCHOOL IN NEPAL (population 26million) for children with cerebral palsy and does amazing work in often very adverse conditions. While there I went into the kitchen (see photo) which consists of little more than a table top hob and some very basic furniture. This has to feed up to fifty or more very deserving children every day. On my return to Britain I decided to be a bit cheeky and approached a kitchen fitting company, BK Nolte Contracts,
based in Wrexham, North Wales, my home area. Amazingly, they have promised to donate a complete kitchen to the school (thank you, Harry Ruler and Hattie Jones). Now, we just have to get it the four and a half thousand miles to Kathmandu! Shipping companies I have approached estimate the cost to be about £500, depending on the weight and dimensions of what eventually gets sent out. There may also be a discount for charity and/or sending a volunteer out with it.
So, please can you help us raise the money so that this kind donation can reach the school and life, difficult enough anyway for these guys, can get a little bit easier for the hardworking staff and the lovely kids at CP School.
This is a straightforward project which also fulfils one of my criteria which is that every penny donated goes straight into the school itself, reduced only by the unavoidable ones such as bank or crowdfunding fees. All travel, accommodation costs e.t.c are borne personally by the people involved.
- 8 years ago
Bryan Thomas Jones
8 years agoHi. JustGiving money is on its way now. We exceeded target again by approximately 10% plus there is more money coming through. Brilliant and thank you very much all those who contributed. Still a Quiz Night tomorrow at Saith Seren with raffle and another Boot Sale on Sunday
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- 8 years ago
Bryan Thomas Jones
8 years agoHi Nearly there.Shipping costs now nearer to £1000, but we are well on the way with more Boot Sales and a Quiz Night at Saith Seren, Wrexham, Thursday, 6th July to look forward to. (Cash prizes and raffle).Once more, thanks to Harry (BKConcepts) for the great kitchen donation to the school.I would love to tag all of my donors but there are too few words allowed on here.Fundraising will close at the end of June when Brian and the kitchen finally head for the Himalayan Hills. kitchen head for the Himalayan hil
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- 8 years ago
Bryan Thomas Jones
8 years agoThis is the kitchen the staff at the school are using to feed the kids. It sits in a gap between two corridors and is patently unfit for purpose. We have the opportunity to provide modern, safe, efficient kitchen equipment. We have that kitchen, thanks to BK Nolte Kitchens of Wrexham but we have to find the means to get it to Nepal. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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Bryan Thomas Jones started crowdfunding
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Andrea Rimmer
Jun 24, 2017
What a lovely project. Good luck.
Robert Gaubatz
Jun 12, 2017
All the best from RG-Transporte Germany!
Jun 11, 2017
A much better day for Chirky McBootsale
Ali Clitheroe @ AMC-PR / BKNC
Jun 6, 2017
Every credit - a very worthy cause!
Sidney Costa
Jun 5, 2017
Well done guys
Jun 4, 2017
A quiet day for Mr C Bootsale but in it goes
Neil Ballard HFTC/BKNC
Jun 2, 2017
Good work Bryan!
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Bryan Thomas Jones
Kathmandu, Central Development Region, Nepal
Approaching retirement but with little interest in retiring I currently teach young adults with learning difficulties. This project links my love of Nepal and my work with these kids. When this project has finished I will work on another one. Love it!