We did it!
Claire irving raised £20 from 2 supporters
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Closed 26/05/2019
Iʼve raised £20 to Create the 'Kirkcudbright Art Map'. A comprehensive map of all the staffed art venues in Kirkcudbright, South West Scotland,The Artists Town
- Kirkcudbright, South West Scotland
- Funded on Sunday, 26th May 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
Building on the success of ‘Kirkcudbright Artists Town’ and the opening of the new national gallery, we aim to produce the ‘Kirkcudbright Art Map’.
Through the format of an illustrated map, the ‘Kirkcudbright Art Map’ will provide a clear guide to the many galleries and art venues the town has to offer which will enable both visitors and locals to have a more comprehensive and enjoyable art experience all year round.
This we believe will not only further promote Kirkcudbright as a town to visit but also to help sustain the artists and businesses of the town as a whole.
The emphasis will be on professional galleries and art venues promoting local and international artists and craft makers, exhibitions and historical and contemporary art information.
There will be a website & social media platform providing information on each venue with links to individual artists and events involving Kirkcudbright and the surrounding area.
For further information please contact Claire Irving e-mail claire@jakeirvingceramics.co.uk or pop into the shop, Jake Irving Ceramics, 59a St Mary Street, Kirkcudbright or facebook Jake Irving Ceramics.
Confirmed Participants so far
PA Pop Up Shop
Jake Irving Ceramics
Whitehouse Gallery
Kirkcudbright Picture Framers
Kathryn King Jewellers
Kirkcudbright Galleries
Margaret Milligan
Ochre Gallery
Tolbooth Gallery
High Street Gallery
Broughton House
Harbour Cottage Gallery
The Gallery at Laurieston
Pauline Saul Greengate Studio
Jane Gibson at Cornerway
Updates appear here
Claire irving started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Feb 13, 2019
hope you reach your target. Best wishes
Joanna Scott
Feb 7, 2019
Great initiative Claire and Jake.
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