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Kimberley Mitchell raised £1,500.26 from 37 supporters
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Closed 20/06/2020
Iʼve raised £1,500 to pay for SDR surgery to help my daughter, who has spastic diplegia cerebral palsy, have the best possible future!
- Derby, UK
- Funded on Saturday, 20th June 2020
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In 2015 Peyton was born at 31+5 weeks gestation weighing just 3lb 12oz. Our NICU journey went as well as it could have, and after 20 very long days my little girl was allowed home. February 2017 Peyton was diagnosed with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy and in March had an MRI scan to confirm this. Peyton wears afos and has lots of physiotherapy. The type of cerebral palsy Peyton has means that Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) surgery would be hugely beneficial to her and her future, however the surgery is not yet available for her on the nhs and including the aftercare, costs around £21,000.
July 11th EDIT : SDR surgery is now available on the nhs. However it is only available for children aged 3-9 years and with GMFCS level 2 and 3. Right now Peyton is only 2 years old and a level 1 so fundraising will continue. I will update everyone when we know more. Thank you for your continued support. It honestly means so much!
November 5th EDIT : Peyton recieved her first botox injections on Friday and it was a truly heartbreaking experience for us both. It just did not go to plan at all! Peyton is now 3, however SDR will still be self funded due to her not qualifying for the surgery on the NHS.
Thank you for your continued support, it means so much to us all!
Please help me help my little girl ❤
- 6 years ago
Kimberley Mitchell
6 years agoThis hard lump has appeared on peytons foot since she began walking on the side of her foot. This is painful for her. This causes her lots of discomfort. This also makes wearing her AFOs uncomfortable as it rubs on them, even though we have tried lots of things to prevent rubbing, it still occurs and at the end of everyday its red and looks very sore. 😭😭
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- 6 years ago
Kimberley Mitchell
6 years agoWhen Peyton walks without her AFOs she walks on the side of her foot. This causes Peyton lots of pain and discomfort. We are currently waiting for an appointment with an orthapedic surgeon to see what can be done to help her. 🤞🤞
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