We did it!
Khulud Almutairi raised £105 from 11 supporters
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Closed 18/07/2020
Iʼve raised £105 to STAND TOGETHER AGAINST COVID 19 - Raising funds for West Londoner’s in need of Basic Food
- Brent
- Funded on Saturday, 18th July 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
We’re just your average 2 West Londoner’s, trying to help raise money to help anyone that most needs the support during this uncertain and difficult time. With the spread of Covid 19 pandemic it’s become a major issue for older individuals and families to find the support / accessibility to finding the groceries they need. They’re struggling to find basic groceries such as eggs, milk, baby nappies and baby food, pet food. The aim of this Go fund me page is to raise money for those that cannot afford to buy in bulk, and cannot afford to pay for transport in order to visit many supermarkets in order to find their groceries. This Go fund me page will help to raise money to help buy groceries for those that are critically in need. So any little helps. Please help donate as little or as much as you can and let us STAND Together and fight this Covid 19 situation together, by helping all that are need. We will do this by buying in bulk and delivering to families and local food banks.
Updates appear here
Khulud Almutairi started crowdfunding
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Apr 4, 2020
Keep up the good work, insha Allah 😊
Johnny P
Mar 24, 2020
Mar 24, 2020
Well done!
Joanne O'Brien
Mar 23, 2020
Well done and good luck!
chris dykes
Mar 23, 2020
Mar 21, 2020
Mar 20, 2020
Love you! This is so cute
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
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