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Closed 23/02/2019

raised of £800,000 target by 0 supporters

    Weʼve raised £0 to help fund a new facility for Kettering Gymnastics Club

    Kettering, UK
    Closed on Saturday, 23rd February 2019

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    We are Kettering Gymnastics Club heres 5 facts about us:

    1. We are a registered charity.

    2. We were founded in 1985.

    3. We offer gymnastics for children age 2 onwards.

    4. We cater for the local community of Kettering and surrounding towns.

    5. We have over 500 members.

    Gymnastics has been shown to be an ideal sport for children in developing both physical and mental skills including core strength, confidence, co-operation, co-ordination and concentration. Learning these critical life skills and gaining a love of a sport at an early age can benefit all children

    We are fundraising to secure our future.

    We need to raise £800,000 to allow us to purchase our own facility.

    The obligation posed on us to find a new site creates a fantastic opportunity to establish a truly purpose built facility which will;

    * allow us to create our capacity offering more opportunities to the community

    * improve the quality and flexibility of our equipment

    * provide activities designed to help us retain teenagers and keep young people active longer

    * meet the requirements of British Gymnastics



    Charlotte Purcell

    Updates appear here

      6 years ago

      Charlotte Purcell started crowdfunding

      Leave a message of support

      Page last updated on: 10/26/2018 17.06



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        About Crowdfunding
        About the fundraiser
        Charlotte Purcell

        Charlotte Purcell

        Kettering, UK

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