We did it!
Keith Davies raised £4,764.95 from 218 supporters
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Closed 31/07/2022
Iʼve raised £4,764 to store personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and surrounding counties
- Funded on Sunday, 31st July 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
Volunteer Driver Service (VDS) Volunteer Driver Service was established April 2012 as a project of Citizens Advice. Volunteer drivers use their own cars to take people to essential appointments, when there is no reasonable alternative transport available. VDS use personal protective equipment (PPE) to do so.
Our PPE fundraising was originally set up because...
"Each driver needs around £70 worth of PPE to get them on the road. Although as an on-going cost a return journey uses around £4 worth of PPE. We would like to get still more drivers on the road and not pass any of the PPE costs onto our lovely passengers for as long as possible.
VDS have set the JustGiving target at £5149.20 to match the donations made by our wonderful food drivers of £1609.20 (by donating their mileage claims back) and amazing donations of £90 by Bodicote Church from sales of their 2021 calendar, £600 from Banbury Lions Club, £350 business donation from Waters Property Investments Ltd., £500 from GMB union, £500 from Bicester Round Table and a £1000 business donation followed by another £250 (paid into JustGiving) from Norbar Torque Tools Ltd. THANK YOU ALL"
Times are different from when Covid-19 first arrived on the scene and nowadays a substantial amount of our PPE is donated.
VDS are a project of Citizens Advice North Oxon and South Northants (CANOSN). CANOSN have reduced the size of their building. Due to the reduction in the size of the CANOSN premises VDS have put our PPE into storage, This will free up as much space for our Citizens Advice colleagues to help as many clients as possible. (below is a picture of the PPE in the VDS office at Citizens Advice)
The wonderful people Magenta Storage have given VDS a discounted rate and gave quite a few weeks where there was no charge whatsoever. VDS are now looking to be able to cover the storage charges for as long as we need to, which could be many months to come.
Please help VDS with those charges if you can by making a donation no matter how big or small, we're always extremely grateful for any help given.
Thank you all so very much
Keith, Maayke & Stacey
Updates appear here
Keith Davies started crowdfunding
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Jul 21, 2022
Christine P
Jun 17, 2021
Great work!
VDS passengers via Tim Payne
Jun 15, 2021
Jun 10, 2021
Great organisation, keep up the good work!!
Jun 5, 2021
Thanks for the help you have given me.
Robert Thomas Taylor
May 21, 2021
Donation from A Rogers!
May 19, 2021
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Keith Davies
Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and surrounding counties
Volunteer Driver Service Manager