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Richard Clarke raised £17,620 from 200 supporters
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Closed 31/08/2020
Iʼve raised £17,620 to Support Richard, Bobby and Dexter in this difficult time following the passing of Katie from Covid-19. Katie was the 144th victim in the UK.
- Funded on Monday, 31st August 2020
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Today is a very, very difficult day today for Richard Cobbing and his boys, Bobby and Dexter as they say goodbye to their mum.
Val Cobbing couldn't be there today, these times make it harder, it is so very sad.
Val kindly sent me two lovely eulogies for Katie. I wanted to share them with you.
This is from Raz's sister:
Dearest Katie,
My gorgeous French Canadian beauty.
You were a force of nature.
You taught us how to rise to your best, whilst facing the worst.
You showed us how to give life value and time its precious meaning.
You faced the pain of leaving all you love so ferociously, with such dignity and resilience.
You taught us about living, loving and learning how to say goodbye.
Our brevity is part of being human but you lived so many full and fulfilling lives across two continents and languages.
A mother, wife, daughter and sister. And a sister to me too.
I have so many defining and happy memories of you, dear Katie:
Your kind eyes.
Your raucous laugh.
Your epic dancing - often on a table.
Your gusto for great food.
Your bottomless creativity…
Turning vintage silk scarves into sexy tops.
And lumps of clay into works of art.
But most of all I will remember you as a mother.
You poured so much love into your boys that they will grow and blossom under the eternal warmth of your devotion.
Painting faces at Hallowe’en and making epic scary costumes.
Easter egg hunts and Mama Santa Claus.
Making parrots out of pineapples.
Windswept walks and sausage dogs.
And cuddles when it mattered.
You wove these joys into a rich tapestry of memories which mean so much.
Bobby and Dexter, I promised your mum that I will be always be there for you.
You can count on that.
And you will always have the love and support of your cousins, Ava and Cassia and Uncle Mike.
Raz, I will always be there for you to lean on and to listen.
This may be a farewell of sorts dear Katie, but rest assured that you will always be with us.
All our love.
This is from Val,
A vibrant much-loved force in so many of our lives but none more so than in those of Richard and her 'boys'- Bobby & Dexter. She will certainly live on through them, such has been her positive influence in shaping their path through life. There is going to be a huge void within our family - we will all be so much the poorer without her humour, talent and unique presence - she was beautiful - heads turned when she walked into a room. I loved her to bits and am so very proud to have had such a daughter-in-law sadly taken from us long before her time still with so much to give.
It’s a well-worn cliche to say she was an 'inspiration' but no one word could be truer especially from two main aspects of her full life. Katie has always been one of THE most positive, incredibly courageous and strong people any of us can have had in our lives. The cruel treatments, pain, setbacks and disappointments she underwent – especially throughout the last two years, would have defeated many lesser mortals but with Katie, always borne with bravery and humour.
We will never forget her courage but that is not all we will remember about Katie. Few people to my knowledge have been so multi-skilled. Everything she attempted was done to a high professional standard - not only was she a brilliant, imaginative cook, but also artist - whether it was fashion, pottery, painting or interior design- some of which she shared with and passed on to her boys. She was an amazing seamstress be it fashion, wedding/bridesmaids' wear, or even soft furnishing - just no end to her many talents.
Katie's true popularity will of course also be measured by the wide circle of good friends surrounding and generously supporting her especially in these recent difficult months. She was SO much loved and we will all miss her so very much.
VAL C. 16/04/20
(a few impromptu lines of verse penned by a ‘Geordie’ neighbour on hearing the sad news)
And, so, finally, her wonderful & courageous soul has taken flight
To Heaven above, where there is no night.
It is SO difficult to accept that she has died
When recalling her tribulations so bravely defied.
Her indomitable fortitude displayed each day
Will linger in memories and stay
For Katie was born to die
But like the sun that shines in the sky
She warmed all our hearts and eased much lesser pain.
And therefore, in the memories of those she touched,
She lives again, so now
Although she slumbers and her voice is still
Her sparkle remains, it always will!
For those of us that loved Katie, Raz, Bobby and Dexter, we all know that Raz would never ask any of us for help. Now, more than ever Raz and the boys need our help. These are the most difficult times for all, but particularly Raz and the boys. Katie was a beautiful loving mum and wife to Raz. They have suffered so much over the last year. Please do what you can to help.
Here is Raz's note this morning.
Dear friends, we lost our darling Katie today. I was with her throughout the night and she slipped away peacefully, in my arms, at 7:50 this morning. She was ready to go, particularly after the day to day difficulties she has endured these last 6 weeks. I'm back home with the boys now. They've taken it relatively well so far as we have been preparing them for this moment over the last 2 months. I’m really thankful that they got to see Katie yesterday, when she was actually in quite good form, in a relatively calm place and looking good. I know most of you are aware that Katie has been suffering cancer for a year and a half now. It’s been a very tough time for us all but has also included some lovely moments for which we are grateful. I have had to focus on Katie’s care and the wellbeing of the boys during this time and I’m sorry I haven’t always been able to stay in contact with you all as much as I would have liked. Love and Best wishes to you all.
And here is a note from Val Cobbing today 29 March 2020.
"It’s not often a Cobbing has difficulty knowing what to say, but for once we are speechless. Only 10 short days ago we lost our amazing, courageous Katie, a bright star in all our lives and only 10 Days since our most generous & kindest of friends, Richard Clarke, set up the JUST GIVING page to help Richard & the boys – we are SO grateful ‘Pups’ - thank you so much, for your friendship and all you do.
There are not enough words for our family to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the wonderful response and comments from so many, many friends all over the world. I knew they had a lot of friends but am absolutely overwhelmed by everyone’s generosity as well as the lovely sentiments expressed here. You certainly know who your friends are when times are tough – I’m sure you’ll agree it couldn’t get any tougher for Richard & his boys, at what is a difficult time for everyone – tragic enough to lose Katie - but especially just now, with lockdown, loss of livelihood & enforced social isolation -just when everyone needs a hug! How could anyone cope?
The loss of Katie has left a massive gap in many lives, but of course, none more so than Raz, his much loved boys & the rest of the family. It is going to be SO tough for them but hopefully with support from their many friends they will get through their unimaginably tough journey. Katie was such a vibrant, ER multi-talented, positive, funny & above all MOST courageous force in our lives. She SO didn’t deserve to suffer the years of cruel treatment, pain and misery caused by this horrendous disease – always borne with bravery & NEVER gave up.
Once again heartfelt thanks Pups and all of you from ‘Raz’s Mum & all the Cobbings - stay safe!
5 years ago
Richard Clarke
5 years agoAll, I have posted Katie's eulogies today from Val and Murphy.
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5 years ago
Richard Clarke
5 years agoAll, Katie's funeral will be on Friday 17 April. The social distancing rules dictate that no more than ten people can attend and nobody outside the direct family will be able to meet afterwards. We will be organising a celebration of Katie's life when this crisis abates and we can all get together. Pups.
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5 years ago
Richard Clarke
5 years agoAll, today the total stands at £17,070. This is incredible. All of you have been so kind and generous. It really is much appreciated. I have been in touch with Raz a couple of times. As usual he is apologetic for not being in touch and keeping up contact with everyone. He is spending time with the boys and this money will really help him. He is so incredibly grateful to you all. Thank you ! Pups x
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Richard Clarke started crowdfunding
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May 13, 2020
May 4, 2020
Thank you, organisers, for putting this most worthwhile fundraiser together. I will write to Raz and the boys separately to express my deepest condolences. With much love to a wonderful family.
Matt & Beth
Apr 24, 2020
Love from us to you. X
Kieron Hunter
Apr 20, 2020
RazSending you all our love and thoughts at this impossible time and we are looking forward to a future when we can get together and drink the house dry.Love and best wishes from Kieron and Lisa
All at North One
Apr 15, 2020
Dear Raz, Bobby and Dexter - all your friends at North One are thinking of you - and hope, very soon, to see you again to raise a glass to Katie. Much love x
Apr 13, 2020
We are all here for you Raz, there's so much love from so many quarters and support always here, forever. All my thoughts are with you at this awful and challenging time. Much love.
A Toffee
Apr 8, 2020
Tragic, tragic news, virtual hugs to you all
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