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Kathryne Haynes raised £1,905 from 84 supporters
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Closed 29/08/2016
Iʼve raised £1,905 to Help with funeral expenses for Claire and Charlotte Hart and make a donation in memory of the girls to Woodgreen Animal Shelter
- Moulton, United Kingdom
- Funded on Monday, 29th August 2016
Don't have time to donate right now?
Where do I start...where do I begin?
Tuesday 19th July, a beautiful summers day. A day that many of us will have started just like any other day, but one that ended with many broken hearts, grief and tears for a great deal of us, but especially for Ryan and Luke.
Its a day that as a mum, I so wish I could erase for the boys and as a mum, I just want to hug them tight and make it all 'normal' again for them...but I cant, no one can.
Hatt Close, Moulton and Spalding became the centre of attention due to the tragic deaths of Claire and Charlotte Hart. Two ladies, both as beautiful as each other, mother and daughter - mum and sister to Luke and Ryan.
Our two families have been close friends for many many years. We have shared days at the beach, seen in many New Years together. Celebrated birthdays, enjoyed summer b.b.q's and bonfire nights. All the normal things that friends do. My children have grown up with Luke, Ryan and Charlotte. Claire and I have shared many tears of joy and tears of sorrow. We have shared life..
Now, well now all we can do is try and help the boys over these next few months peice together a new normal, but before that stage comes they have the undaunting task of the funerals of their mum and sister.
I have spoken to the boys about this page, and, typical of them, their first response was "We would like to make a donation for mum and Charlotte's favourite charity - Woodgreen Animal Centre''. So them, their mum would be so proud of them.....but missing the point of their community having the opportunity to help them.
So, please, if you would like to help, I know part will go towards our beautiful Claire and Charlottes funerals, and part will go, as per Luke and Ryans wish to Woodgreen Animal Shelter.
Thankyou for your time
Kate x
- 9 years ago
Kathryne Haynes
9 years agoMy appeal for Ryan & Luke finishes on Saturday & we arent far off the appeal target but there is time for you to donate and support the boys. As you are probably aware, we said our goodbyes to Claire and Charlotte last week in a very public service at All Saints, in our village church, then in a private service at the Crematorium. Both services were as beautiful as each other. Ryan & Luke are doing well, taking things a day at a time. Thankyou so much each & everyone one of you for your donations, love and kindness x
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- 9 years ago
Kathryne Haynes
9 years agoHi everyone, Thankyou feels inadequate for all your kind words and support, but truly thankyou so much from the bottom of our hearts. I know your love and support will be helping the boys through these early days Thankyou again x
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- 9 years ago
Kathryne Haynes
9 years agoThankyou so much everyone for your support so far. I see the boys regularly and they are doing ok, but its early days for them. This appeal is to just give everyone a small opportunity to let them know they arent alone, for which they do very much appreciate. Thankyou x
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Kathryne Haynes started crowdfunding
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Aug 29, 2016
Thinking of you both.
Aug 28, 2016
Aug 26, 2016
Aug 26, 2016
I am giving on behalf of my daughter Hannah Smith. Luke, she remembers travelling with you on the school bus from Moulton
Megan McAuliffe
Aug 25, 2016
Thinking of you still xxx
Aug 24, 2016
Aug 24, 2016
My thoughts are with you both.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Kathryne Haynes
Moulton, United Kingdom
My name is Kate Haynes and I have been friends with the Hart family for many years. We have had numerous happy family get togethers, seen many New Years in together, summer bbq's, birthdays etc. Shared tears of joy and tears of sorrow..but nothing prepared us for this..