Yasmin Choudhury is crowdfunding

Iʼm raising £111,136 to fund #JusticeForYasmin a British CEO to help her report sexual crime by a relative being protected by her family + those who hurt her work
- London
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To follow my story - and to read my memoirs and see factual evidence and more, visit The Lovedesh 10 Files, Who did what - and what the story is.
All updates are also on my You Tube Channel & TikTok @JusticeForYasmin
I am Yasmin Choudhury. Chief Executive of award winning Lovedesh®.
A rebel fashion house. On a mission to protect people and planet. That's my day job. But right now, I - and Lovedesh - need protecting, and funding, so I can return to helping rescue others. I also run niche charity Amcariza Foundation .
I have had my dreams for Lovedesh sabotaged again and again and again. How many more times can I keep resurrecting it, all alone?
I can't.
I am under attack. From all fronts.
First. I need to report my own wicked, cruel and horrid members of Ali Nagor Choudhury family and siblings for crimes they have committed. These include British citizens as well as Bangladeshi nationals. Including my sexual abuser. Whom they are all protecting. It is just me - versus an entire clan that stretches from Bangladesh, to UK to USA to Sweden.
Second - I am sharing evidence of how I, a small business owner has been ripped off, bullied, faced structural racism and had my own creative concepts copied or erased. By many in fashion campaigning and the damage done to me as a survivor of domestic and sexual assault.
This crowd-funder is primarily aimed at those featured in the Lovedesh Hall Of Horrors . The list of those, whom I am seeking justice from, whom to due their actions, have harmed either myself or Lovedesh. I am seeking financial recompense. And I am calling for this put in public, as by doing so, I know others who suffered the way I have, may emerge. As it is in the public interest to learn how those of us working as whistleblowers or at the grassroots, who are not money orientated, get treated.
Anyone choosing to contribute - I cannot thank you enough.
On International Day Of Elimination Of Violence Against Women & Girls, I am coming forward as the world's first business leader, to talk about the highs, the horrors and lows and blows of trying to deliver good. In my memoirs Lovedesh 10+ Files .
I also hope to get to Prime Ministers Boris Johnson Of UK and Begum Sheikh Hasina Of Bangladesh. These two have the power to protect me and and the work Lovedesh has been doing. And I also hope. that from this crowd-funder, I am able to raise a fighting legal fund. Security personnel and more emergency steps. To ensure my protection. As I fly abroad to report my sexual molester. A relative in Bangladesh. Currently being protected by my my blood family clan, who identity as Muslim.
My first mission is to see my abuser go to jail.. As well as my family and siblings who over and over refuse to back down. . My own eldest sister Nazmin Choudhury, is a British solicitor at NC Law, London. She recently flew out to Bangladesh, to cosy up to male elderly relative, who sexually assaulted me. She and a host of my male cousin in this country and across the world are all protecting him. It is me against all of them. Despite having reported her to the SRA many times, this woman is allowed to practice.
In Jan 2021, I sent this polite video (privately) to certain members of my family, the male cousins - asking they remedy the crimes (such as destroying my enterprise and charity field office to punish me) they as well as that of elderly cousin, who is my sexual abuser, undertook.In 2015 they smashed and looted all of the Lovedesh and field projects in 2015. And then returned to London and used Met Police to help me and my daughter become homeless.
I then set it to public - after they ghosted me, having seen the video below.
1 Nov 2021 - Here is proof - this photo below was posted on the abuser's Facebook Page. Look at how many surround him? He is the man in the purple shirt.

Also they have been torturing poor people. As well as the array of famous names, companies, charities and many more, who hurt and damaged me from delivering Lovedesh. And derailed the the work I do - which is to protect people and planet.
All of the miscreants are listed in The Lovedesh Hall Of Horrors . Are you shocked at the names and faces? So was I. And I have receipts.
Follow my YouTube Series. To watch and listen. As I share report after report of what horrid people have done to hurt Lovedesh.
I am bullied. Abused. Tortured. Threatened. Gagged. Intimidated. Mocked. Ghosted when I find corruption. Yet I keep going. For example Barclays has shut out business bank account down while I was having to deal with a bully in my family. And Access Storage have evicted us in breach of the Coronavirus Act.
For over 10+ years, I have been working alone at grassroots trying to find a solution to global poverty, fast fashion and climate change. I scrimped and saved - but now every penny has run out. After I spent it rescuing so many of the world's poorest. These include - the sick and needy, destitute rural villagers, seamstresses, single mothers, disabled rickshaw drivers.
We work with weavers and so proud to present Lovedesh Muslin - so we can take this to red carpet day.
I also have been supporting Rana Plaza survivors and relatives of the dead.
You can watch this private film I made about the Rana Plaza Victims.
Trigger warning. Contains photos of dead garment workers. Photos and copyrighted music are used for educational purposes only.
And why they back me. Look at the video they did for me below..
Money has run out. As all of it has been spent on helping the people I support. I have been and still am under attack for over a decade now. As so many have come to try and destroy or hurt me and my life work. And my own family are so evil - they destroyed my charities and projects in 2015. I then spent three years resurrecting them from scratch.
I am not popular and unheard of. Because I work directly at the grassroots. I am scared for my young daughter, as she and i are all alone in the world. And.I thought it was time to ask the world for urgent help. As every time I launch a crowd funder for my business, crisis after crisis engulfs me. I need proper funding, legal team and security staff.
#SaveShelim - My family have kidnapped a rural villager. Forcing him to work. I have evidence he was trying to escape my family. They torture villagers, refuse to pay wages. And I know they have stolen his phone and deleted evidence. In 2019, his daughter Jolly Begum died. Then they bullied him again during Corona. Refusing to pay wages. Due to my family''s neglect. In 2015, my eldest sister was threatening poor people I reported her to SRA - they just gave her letter telling her not to do it again. Well SRA she has done it again, you did not stop her.
#BizMeToo - I have suffered domestic violence. Strangled, hit, beaten and punched, Simply for existing. This happened to me as a child and also as an adult. I want change. SOLUTION. International Day of Violence Is Coming up. I want to fly to Bangladesh to report my abuser. And ask British and Foreign Governments to change the law, so that women and girls can report abuse back in their home country. Without threat of intimidation or fear.
#ShutUpForRanaPlaza - Fashion Campaigners - some of the world's biggest campaigners have trampled over the rights of the poor Rana Plaza Victims. They are so angry. So we made them a benefit T shirt.
For example, did you know that on the anniversary of factory collapse, April 24, when 1,136 workers were killed. Some as young as 13 year old girls, whose bodies remain missing to this day,. two white women rebranded it as Fashion Revolution week. Their event is so big now. A huge part of the fashion calendar. When I asked them to stop - they ghosted me. Whenever I asked fashion campaigners to attend our Memorial event - they told me they cannot attend,. Not one turned up for this conference,.
The poor victims have been left behind, SOLUTION - Bring them to London for a world tour. And set up an office in Bangladesh. And help educate some of the kids in UK. If they can do it for Malala (who I love) - why not do it for children of garment workers.
I grew up above a curry house. I come from a strict orthodox landowning family who identify as Muslim. I worked and sweated my way into a corporate career. At the age of 13, my family had me working on an industrial sewing machine, Yet today they worship my brother and disowned me.
I cannot be silent anymore. I am so broken hearted by what the powerful, greedy and rich have done, to destroy my life and dreams for my rebel fashion house Lovedesh. The world's first ethical luxury brand designed to make clients look good and feel good.
Yasmin x
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About the fundraiser

Yasmin Choudhury
CEO & Founder of Lovedesh. The world's first rebel fashion house. On a mission to protect people and planet. British woman, Born and bred in London. Bullied & beleaguered. And why I fight back now for those who need protecting.