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Amanda Young raised £14,631.26 from 545 supporters


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Closed 06/02/2020

raised of £8,000 target by 545 supporters

    Iʼve raised £14,631 to Just4Joel

    Aberdeen, UK
    Funded on Thursday, 6th February 2020

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Joel's Story

    On December 28th 2016, I was given the devastating news those words no parent should ever hear and that was my son Joel, then aged 5 had cancer. He was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) the most common childhood cancer. I was 36.5 weeks pregnant and here I was facing birth on my new baby son while my middle son was going to be fighting for his life. Joel was admitted straight to hospital and the next day was fitted with a Hickman Line which would be used to give him Intravenous Chemotherapy, Antibiotics and many many other medications.

    Two and a half weeks after being diagnosed he became very sick. It was discovered Joel had developed Sepsis and this was clinging to his Hickman Line. He had to have an emergency operation to remove his Line and a temporary one was then fitted. This came the day after his baby brother Jaden was born. I was stuck in the maternity hospital while Joel was in surgery for over 3 hours. I should have been with Joel in fact I should of been ready to take my new baby home for his first night in his Moses basket but instead I was to take him straight to Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital. My husband slept on the chair next to Joel while myself and Jaden slept in parent accommodation across from HDU where Joel was. At 4am I woke thinking Jaden would need fed I had left Joel at 11pm as he was comfortable. As I placed Jaden into my arms I looked at him with confusion was he purple?? Yes he was he was struggling to breathe. I ran to the HDU Ward frantically buzzing to get in. a Nurse grabbed my baby and sucked out what was blocking his airways. He was sent straight to assessments and I followed. I didn't even get the chance to make sure Joel was ok. I am sure I had an outter body experience. Jaden had an infection and was admitted for 5 days.

    of courseWe somehow got through the next few days and Joel got back onto the medical ward he had a room next to Jaden we laughed but it wasn't funny. at the end of Joel's first month of treatment his bone marrow was tested. He was to move onto a more intense plan from the one he had started as his Leukaemia levels were not low enough. Joel spent 9 months in and out of hospital (in more than out), he lost his hair was sick, was sore all over yet he rarely complained kids are resilient everyone kept telling me. Although the needles were the worst for him. 5 adults pinning my baby down while one jabbed them and me telling him that its ok and its all going to be ok. The guilt a mother goes through doing this to their child who doesn't even understand while they are ill. I hated the fact I was always in hospital with Joel and Jaden yet my oldest was left at home with whoever to have him, but what else could we do. Thankfully I had the support of my friends, family and ofcourse everyone at Banks O' Dee Sports Club where I worked.

    In October 2017 Joel started maintenance treatment. the Intense stuff was behind him "no more sleepy don't remember and needles" he said "yay" we actually high fived that one. The sleepy don't remember was his sedative used when giving him injections. Maintenance was to be the treatment plan of mainly oral chemo, other meds, weekly bloods and monthly hospital visits. he started his 3 year count down on 4th May 2017 so he would continue this new plan until 2020. I returned to work life was better.

    However after taking him to hospital on 28th August with severe head aches my worst fear was confirmed the following evening when I was told Joel has relapsed and now the Leukemia was in his spinal fluid. He is on a new protocol which started on 31st August 2018. The high intense treatment is taking place in Aberdeen, but Joel will have to go to Glasgow to receive Radiotherapy and bone marrow transplant. Joel has another long fight on his hands and we are taking each day as it comes. His 2 brothers have had the bloods taken to be tested to see if they are a donor match, should they not match we hope to find a match in the form of a donor (non relative)

    If you would like to help Joel any donations would provide massive help to support Joel through this and give him the chance to enjoy life.

    Thank you

    Amanda (Joel's Mum)



    Amanda Young

    Updates appear here

      7 years ago

      Amanda Young started crowdfunding

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      Page last updated on: 7/18/2019 20.14



      • Anonymous


        Jul 18, 2019

        Thinking of you and your family! Sorry I couldn’t donate more! X

      • Jordan Bowman

        Jordan Bowman

        Jun 12, 2019


      • Jacquie


        Apr 2, 2019

        My thoughts go out to you all, wishing you all the very best x


      • Anthony Reilly

        Anthony Reilly

        Mar 6, 2019

        All the best wee man, hope you get better soon.


      • Sarah Lee

        Sarah Lee

        Feb 26, 2019

        Funds raised from sweeper


      • Jenni Auld

        Jenni Auld

        Feb 22, 2019

        Keep fighting little man!


      • Amanda Stopper

        Amanda Stopper

        Feb 21, 2019

        Money raised from the signed Aberdeen shirt raffle xxx


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      About Crowdfunding
      About the fundraiser
      Amanda Young

      Amanda Young

      Aberdeen, UK

      Joel is currently battling a relapse of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, please read his story written my his mum Amanda

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