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Julija Petuhova raised £1,205 from 22 supporters


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Closed 18/06/2018

raised of £60,000 target by 22 supporters

    Iʼve raised £1,205 to Aleksej is looking for help to pay his cancer treatments. Melanoma is type of cancer which Latvia is not providing free treatments.

    Funded on Monday, 18th June 2018

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    My name is Alex, I am 50 years old and two years ago I was diognaste choroidal melanoma of the left eye. It is really rare cancer type and Latvia, the country I live doesn't provide any type of treatments, consequently, I had Brachytherapy in Estonia in 2016.The operation was successful and I thought everything is behind, unfortunately, two years later I have inoperable metastases in the liver. Doctors say the only way to stop it and a chance to win the illness is Pembrolizumab (Keytruda) medicaments. (One injection price is approximately $3,000) Doctors say I need about 72 of them. All European countries provide it to their citizens, however, Latvia doesn't have this option and I am raising money to pay for my treatments, as it is very expensive and my family and myself hope on your help.

    Просим о помощи, Первоначальный диагноз: Хориодальная меланома левого глаза. Проведена брахиотерапия в 2016 году в Эстонии, дабы Латвия не ДЕЛАЕТ ТАКОГО ВИДА ОПЕРАЦИИ. Казалось все позади, но сейчас неоперабельные метастазы в печени. К Сожалению единственное спасение это Кейтруда, лекарство, которое очень дорогое, и в отличии от всех Европейских стран, Латвия за него не платит!

    Поэтому просим помощи собрать средства для лечения!

    Счёт для пожертвования: LV63HABA0551029349725 Julija Petuhova



    Julija Petuhova

    Updates appear here

      7 years ago

      Julija Petuhova started crowdfunding

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      Page last updated on: 5/16/2018 18.27



      • Anonymous


        May 16, 2018

      • Alona Pockajeva

        Alona Pockajeva

        Feb 28, 2018

        Держитесь! Дай Бог все будет хорошо!


      • Anonymous


        Feb 27, 2018

        Pustj Bog pomozet i vsjo ustroit!


      • Anonymous


        Feb 27, 2018


      • Alona  Timofejeva

        Alona Timofejeva

        Feb 26, 2018

        Терпение и силы все пройти дай бог вам Юлия


      • Anonymous


        Feb 25, 2018



      • Acorn


        Feb 23, 2018


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      Julija Petuhova


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