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Closed 16/01/2019

raised of £12,600 target by 0 supporters

    Weʼve raised £0 to help fund non invasive cancer treatment

    Abergavenny, UK
    Closed on Wednesday, 16th January 2019

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    I was diagnosed with stage 3 oesophageal cancer in May 2018

    I am raising much needed funds to cover part of the non invasive treatment costs to continue with the epigenetic pathway I am on for the next 6 months.

    Full details of the approach I am taking are listed below :)

    I am deeply grateful to my friends who have supported me in so many different ways so far and my family, who generously contributed to funding the first 2 months of the epigenetic testing and treatment pathway that I am currently taking.

    I want to help myself as much as possible, before I make any rushed decisions that may have other complications. The Oncology Surgeon who is supportive of the approach I am taking, has told me that he thinks I have 9 to 12 months to live, if I do nothing at all. So I want do everything I can to rebuild a healthy me in the next six months.

    This way, I can transform my unhealthy cancer predator cells and cause apoptosis, where the cells die or transform into healthy cells. I want to target the core cancerous stem cells, by cutting off all sources of supply and survival to the tumour.

    In the first 20 weeks I have overcome some great challenges and many more lie ahead, but I feel I have now assembled the very best team to support me during the next 6 months.

    You can see from the overview of the daily, weekly and monthly schedule on my website and funding page that its a challenging objective, to get into the rhythm of this epigenetic non-invasive treatment programme.

    My funding target to cover the next 6 months of epigenetic treatment is £12600

    But, I am still living on sickness benefits... and have to meet the costs for the next 6 months of special supplements, equipment, epigenetic tests and treatments, as well as weekly travel costs... things like hyperbaric oxygen or high dosage intravenous vitamin C treatment twice a week and a mix of other epigenetic and metabolic treatments, that I believe can beat cancer non invasively.

    I aim to do this without the heavy costs to the NHS, which could be upwards of 60 thousand pounds to or over £150 thousand pounds in treatment costs for my kind of cancer, if I were to follow the mainstream route . Along with the side effects and possible complications of surgery, chemo and radiation, that often only buy a few months, or at best, a few years of survival.

    My chances going the mainstream route would be 50/50 survival at 5 years. I would rather have a go at transforming myself and my cells first, rather than suffer anything extremely damaging and irreversible, unless it becomes absolutely necessary.

    I am asking for your help to help me beat my cancer epigenetically, with the support of very experienced medical people… I am asking you to help me be able to continue with this “integrative” treatment programme, as it steps up into a new level of impact and cost… help me prove, as others have done, that this non invasive approach is possible ...and should be explored, before patients have to make critical “under fire” “under duress” decisions ...I believe this can make big changes, with far better results for people suffering from this terrible chronic disease, that is now at epidemic proportions, throughout the world.

    Using excellent guidance, excellent nutrition, along with a unique combination of natural plant based solutions and a few tried and tested, re-purposed, off label prescription medicines, as well as making powerful and immediate life style changes ...I believe cancer and the threat of cancer, can be reversed. I will be sharing updates and insights as things progress with supporters and contributors… and I thank you for your support and for contributing, if you are able to… please share and like this message if you think others in your networks may be interested in supporting and learning more about this approach.

    I had been suffering from chronic stress and I didn’t realise it. I just thought stress was part of life. In fact I am only just learning now, 18 to 20 weeks in from my diagnosis, about why Chronic Stress is a key driver for Cancer. This, I now know, had been caused by mental, physical and emotional exhaustion, building up over many years.

    You get worn down by chronic stress from a series of social, cultural, economic and environmental issues, impacts and traumas, that build up into a crescendo over time, without you necessarily realising it.

    Most of the problems start in your gut and the lack of understanding of how to manage the cortisol hormone, which produces adrenalin and manages your fight or flight reflexes. If its permanently switched on, as mine is or was, it causes a subtle wearing down of your core immunity and your general well being, at every level.

    Working 18 hr days, no sunlight, constantly building workflow, making connections, creating opportunities, slipping into bad lifestyle choices and dietary habits, had set the scene for my cancer to develop.

    By September 2017 my body suddenly shut down completely, I was standing, when suddenly without warning every muscle in my body lost all energy, I collapsed without warning and hit the floor in a split second, like a ton of bricks. Unable to move for 3 or more hours and then only moving very slightly, I managed to gradually untangle my very strangely arranged limbs and luckily nothing was broken, but I was in extreme pain as many muscles had gone into spasm or were cramping. I couldn’t call out, as no-one would hear and I couldn’t reach my phone to call for help. I lost the use of my legs and lower back and was on morphine and diazepam for three months, laid up in bed. My leg muscles started wasting away. Then in November, I had an operation with general anaesthetic that knocked me for six, I couldn’t think straight much after that.

    By December I started to have difficulty swallowing, it was Christmas time, there was a lot going on and I was struggling to keep up, I was still very stressed, trying to work out what I could do for work, now that my mobility was compromised, so I just put my swallowing troubles down to a winter sore throat that would eventually go away. I was also having trouble with my memory and struggling to get re-organised, my brain seemed to be constantly scrambled. I felt like I had failed my family, I no longer could see much of my friends, I had become withdrawn and disorientated during January and February.

    I went to see my local Doctor and he prescribed more drugs to help with swallowing, that I didn’t want to take. I was worried that all these drugs were not the answer after my recent experiences, there seemed to be so many unfortunate side effects. So I started to research. I decided to find out more. I researched every minute that I could.

    Alongside this I had been unemployed for 9 months since Sept 2017 and by now it was May 2018, I was just starting to create some light at the end of my tunnel, that might mean my work could reach a worldwide audience by Sept of 2018. But, I had to do a six month course that would cost £500 to get myself accredited as an International Entrepreneurship, Enterprise and Innovation Educator first, to get the work flowing. At this time, I was struggling to live on below breadline benefits and to visit my 11 year old son each week, who lives a 200 mile round trip away. I was exhausted all the time, yet I still knew nothing about being in a state of chronic stress and that I was still suffering from it. My local Doctor’s Surgery booked me in for an endoscopy examination in early May, to check out my worsening swallowing issues.

    I knew I had cancer at the endoscopy, because a Macmillan Nurse came to introduce herself and reassure me after the procedure. Wearing a Macmillan lanyard around her neck, she kindly explained that it would be two weeks before I would receive a diagnosis.

    I went straight home, intensified and focused my research immediately, wading through piles of misleading information online, finding some occasional gems. I started learning about “alternative” non-invasive, non-surgical, non-chemo or radiation routes to transform cancer. The best and most straightforward website I found early on was this had lots of interviews with medical specialists and people who had researched and beaten their cancer non-invasively.

    I also looked into the work of Otto Warburg who won a Nobel Peace Prize for his cancer discoveries in 1931, as well as Gershon, Tesla, Budwig and more, it seemed like a great many advances were made between 1890 and the 1950’s and then all this work was dropped after the second world war and a very less evolved, far more costly general medical system was adopted, that was great at mending you if you had a limb broken, but has always struggled with the treatment of chronic diseases and mental illnesses. All this incredible research and successful practice, was lost and discarded, for some reason.

    I changed my lifestyle and diet habits immediately. I learnt that...

    • 1. I needed to regenerate my gut health and digestive system and rebuild immunity.

    • 2. I needed to get a lot more oxygen into my blood stream.

    • 3. I needed to learn about dealing with stress.

    I cut out all sugar, sweeteners, meat and dairy products, bakers and brewers yeast, starch, all alcohol, saturated fats, pastries, cakes and fast food or any kind of processed or factory farmed foods, along with any vegetables, fruits or seeds, that had been sprayed, coated or irradiated. I learnt to live on a little “quality” organic produce and clean filtered water, reducing quantity dramatically. I also went to the Dentist to have any silver mercury fillings in my teeth replaced.

    I got advice from friends who had beaten cancer and their input was invaluable, as they had learnt a lot since their own experiences, about supplements and “alternative” treatments, too.

    In May of 2018 I weighed 15 and a half stone, I had claudication, which is a vascular disease from a build up of plaque in the arteries of the legs. I had high risk of a heart attack and or another collapse at any time, from lumbar spondylosis in my lower back. Walking 20m was a great struggle and my car had broken down. On top of the stress I was already trying to cope with, I now had the time bomb of cancer ticking inside me. There was great pressure from medical people, family and friends to move quickly.

    As I came off the prescription drugs earlier in the year, I was very disorientated, but as I started to alkalise my digestive system in May, I got boosts of energy and clarity, especially when I upped my intake of vitamin C to 1000mg four times a day or more, as well as making green juices and my own alkaline water to alkalise my system. Then, while I was researching Scalar Energy technology, discovered by Nikola Tesla in the 1890’s, which is very worthy of a great deal more research, I discovered something called Bio Energy Therapy. Bio Energy Therapy is certainly very well worth researching for yourself, there is only one practitioner in South Wales, Danny Dearing at and he helped me greatly, I saved up, booked up and had four sessions consecutively. Looking back, it was the best thing I could have done to prepare myself and my body for the pathway I was beginning to set out on.

    Around the same time, I was also very kindly offered sponsorship for acupuncture at the to help me to continue swallowing and keep my body in check, if I could afford to get myself there and back, each week. Acupuncture had never been very effective on me previously and like many people I had a pathological hatred of needles, but after preparation with Bio Energy Therapy, acupuncture suddenly worked very effectively, as all the electrical and energy systems of my body had been re-connected.

    This was very, very helpful, after I had a bad reaction to a CT radiation test and couldn’t get any liquid or liquid food into me at all, for over 24hrs. My throat and trachea were swollen and thyroid had become inflamed and was thumping in my neck, continuously.

    Luckily, emergency Acupuncture saved the day. It also saved me from having to have an invasive hospital operation for a stent in my oesophagus or feeding peg into my stomach, to get food into me. The current peg feeding bags on offer in mainstream medical hospitals contain around 37% refined sugar, sweeteners, starches, fats etc which cancer loves to dine out on and metastasize, in other words, rapidly spread.

    Then, back in late June 2018, a good friend introduced me to an “integrative” Doctor. I had never heard of an integrative medical Doctor before, so I started researching this and discovered the work these incredible Doctors do. They have all been through general and specialist medical practice, often volunteering in difficult medical hotspots around the world, but also have great knowledge of naturopathic and innovatory medicine, they have a keen seeking spirit and think outside of the box, as well as understanding the mainstream general medical approach. My “integrative” Doctor is a leading light in this field.

    But I only had a budget in total of £73 per week, with no prospect of finding the money to afford private consultation and all the expensive tests and supplements, dietary advice and valuable insight that would follow. I also knew I could never learn or research the vast knowledge and experience my integrative Doctor had gathered over a lifetime in any time I might have left, so I knew I needed to access this vital source of specialist expertise now.

    I became too weak to visit my youngest son regularly and I no longer was consuming vast amounts of costly and life threatening foods, so I started to save some money to afford the first consultation, which would be via skype, so that I could save on travel costs.

    Then the Macmillan Cancer Charity kindly sent me a cheque out of the blue, to help with anything I might need. It was manna from heaven and I could now afford the consultation immediately.

    A very inspiring and practical skype meeting followed. The integrative Doctor kindly sent me an immediate list of things to do, including the epigenetic tests he needed to get started with, that were non invasive and some excellent guidance on nutrition, supplements and equipment I should buy, to boost immunity and oxygen levels, restore my gut health and start reducing stress hormones. But the cost of buying all the things I needed for two months was over £5,000.

    I spent weeks researching, costing and compiling a first stage plan, that would take me to September 2018. Kindly friends and family stepped forward to help, even though they were very worried about the route I wanted to take and didn’t understand it. Some friends contributed supplements I needed and my family contributed the funds and support I needed to get to started on the epigenetic programme my integrative Doctor had prescribed. I also had a series of NHS tests and consultations. They showed that making these extreme changes over 16 weeks, my tumour had not grown or spread.

    This was incredible news!! I believe this was thanks to radically changing my diet and some little known supplements friends had told me about early on, along with what I was learning more about from my integrative Doctor. You really have to hit the cancer from all sides.

    Then, my integrative Doctor introduced me to one of his patients, who was about to publish a ground breaking book called How to Starve Cancer… The book is written by Jane McLelland, who after 4 years of gruelling mainstream treatment for stage 4 terminal cancer and given only days to live at one point, transformed her cancer within two months.

    She has now been in complete remission, disease free for 14 yrs, using non invasive methods to stay well. Through several years of intensive research and a great commitment to using nutrition and special combinations of supplements, alongside regular tests and expert guidance, Jane studied the use of re-purposed off label prescription drugs. Drugs that were no longer widely prescribed, yet had been given to millions of people over the years.

    These drugs had large amounts of patient and research data, including other uses that were beneficial for curing cancer, yet they only cost pence to prescribe. She used these cheap re-purposed drugs in a cocktail, alongside a healthy diet and lifestyle. Her book is recommended by the lead Oncologist at the UK’s most advanced science University, Imperial College in London, he says everyone should read it. Its causing quite a stir in the Oncology world and is selling like hotcakes currently on Amazon.

    Jane is very committed to helping people find better ways to beat cancer from the patients perspective. She gives talks and speeches and volunteers to support others through her website and Facebook pages constantly. Her direct support and advice has been invaluable to me and I am very grateful to her, alongside the remarkable integrative Doctor I was kindly introduced to, the Oncology team at UHW (The University Hospital of Wales), my local surgery and the local Macmillan support team.

    I weigh 9 and a half stone (60 kgs) now, every day is a battle to fight nausea, lack of appetite and loss of energy. I need to start rebuilding my oxygen and energy levels, gut health and muscle tissue, otherwise I can slip into a state of starvation and cachexia. This is tough to reverse, its also a state where its hard to survive any kind of emergency medical intervention.

    You can see the accounts of my journey so far in the supporting information on this funding page and on my website

    Together... lets climb out of this oppressive space, this deadly unproductive place… lets heal the divide between opposing camps where only patients are caught and confused in the crossfire of entrenched medical beliefs... and move forward into the next dimension of health and wellbeing, for everyone.

    I believe the epigenetic route I am taking will cost a fifth of the money it currently costs our beloved and much needed National Health Service.

    Massive impacts can be achieved through education and knowledge transfer, particularly in early diagnosis and treatment of chronic stress of all kinds. As well as learning how important our gut health is, to our mental, emotional as well as physical wellbeing.

    If you think about it, less cost and more healthy, capable people would boost our economy. As people and families become healthier, more productive and less stressed. Less cost with a more enlightened approach, would boost our healthcare system beyond recognition.

    After all of us have contributed billions to Cancer Research charities and with profits of big pharma now in the region of 300 billion dollars per year, just for cancer cures alone, I think we owe it to ourselves to do whatever we can to help ourselves, as well as others, through this difficult and challenging process, as simply and effectively...and as soon as possible.

    I am not dead, I am alive and I will do everything I can to remain so.

    Personally I would like to see my youngest son grow up and one day meet my grand kids and watch them grow up happy and healthy. As well as tie up a few loose ends with my work, that will enable people with their own dreams and visons to become more self reliant. I plan to stay happy and healthy too and be around for at least another 25yrs or so. together, lets turn the light out on this predator and put this beast to bed... forever.

    I wish you health and happiness


    please share this page if you think someone you know may be interested in this pathway too and thank you for taking time to read this far... stay well




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      6 years ago

      J C M SKINNER started crowdfunding

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      Page last updated on: 9/18/2018 06.10



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        J C M SKINNER

        J C M SKINNER

        Abergavenny, UK

        I was diagnosed with stage 3 oesophageal cancer in May 2018 I am raising much needed funds to cover part of the non invasive treatment costs to continue with the epigenetic pathway I am on for the next 6 months. Full details of the approach I am taking are listed below :)

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