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Caroline Waddell raised £9,979.91 from 103 supporters
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Closed 17/09/2021
Iʼve raised £9,979 to help Josh Waddell compete internationally and to go to the Tokyo Paralympics
- Sunderland, UK
- Funded on Friday, 17th September 2021
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Being born a 10 week premature triplet, Josh faced many problems in early life. Then, at the age of 2, Josh was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia, which affects his lower limbs, leaving him unable to walk unaided. Growing up with his sisters, aided with the help of his friends and family, Josh has learnt to overcome the challenges of his disability, and through acceptance has been able to engage in many opportunities. The very active, Sunderland youngster found that through participating in sport he has been able to achieve the unimaginable. Through a Sports-ability event, Josh met his fencing coach Laszlo Jakab. Seven years later, Josh is now the Under 17 World Champion at the age of just 16, with aspirations and the potential to represent Great Britain in the 2020 Paralympic Games in Tokyo, Japan. Josh now competes and has to compete internationally, to achieve and improve his world ranking. As Josh is not sponsored, his parents have to fund all costs themselves which is financially challenging. An average international competition costs £3,000 and it has been advised that Josh will need to attend at least 5 international competitions per year. The money raised will allow Josh to progress giving him the greatest chance to go the Paralympics.
- 6 years ago
Caroline Waddell
6 years agoThank you so much for supporting me in my quest to get to the Paralympics. I am now the Under 17 World Number One and World Champion in Epee and 3rd in the World in the Under 23 Epee category.
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- 6 years ago
Caroline Waddell
6 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 6 years ago
Caroline Waddell
6 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Caroline Waddell started crowdfunding
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Steven Bacon
May 1, 2020
Hope you make Josh.
Steven Bacon
Apr 1, 2020
Hope you make Josh.
Steven Bacon
Mar 1, 2020
Hope you make Josh.
Steven Bacon
Feb 1, 2020
Hope you make Josh.
Steven Bacon
Jan 1, 2020
Hope you make Josh.
Yvonne Moore
Nov 21, 2019
Go for it Josh! Best of Luck.
tracey dembry
Nov 20, 2019
Good luck Joss
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