We did it!
Karen Jessop raised £21,252 from 744 supporters
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Closed 31/03/2021
Iʼve raised £21,252 to build a wheelchair accessible superhero bedroom and wetroom for Joshua
- North Yorkshire
- Funded on Wednesday, 31st March 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Joshua, 12 was originally one of our foster children and diagnosed aged 21 months with a genetic condition called Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy for which there is no cure. We decided to adopt him and give him as many magical memories as possible for the time he has left.
Duchenne takes away everything you learnt to do - breathing; swallowing; talking; walking; feeding yourself; bathing and washing yourself; cleaning your teeth and even the simple act of hugging. One day you can do all of these and within months they're taken away from you.
Frustrated you have to become reliant on others and machines to do everything for you.
Joshua needs space to be as independent as possible and for this he needs a downstairs bedroom and bathroom. We would love to build this for him as soon as we can and with your help, perhaps he would get the surprise he so desperately needs and most definitely deserves in the New Year, the funds to extend and adapt ready to build his dream bedroom
- 4 years ago
Karen Jessop
4 years agoThank you to each and everyone who generously donated or shared our post. We nearly reached our target and were humbled and amazed at the response. Today our page expires but you can always continue to follow Joshua's Journey and our next adventure through his Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/joshuasjourney4life/ Thank you one and all. Stay safe and well x The Jessop Family
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- 4 years ago
Karen Jessop
4 years agoNew Year thanks 😊
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- 4 years ago
Karen Jessop
4 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Karen Jessop started crowdfunding
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Jen and Jos Huddleston
Feb 2, 2021
We hope you get your Superhero bedroom soon Joshua!
Rotary Club of Richmond North Yorkshire
Jan 28, 2021
We wish you the best of luck in achieving your target soon.
Jan 22, 2021
Richie Bastow
Jan 20, 2021
All the best to Joshua and family. I hope the project is a big success!
Jan 18, 2021
Jan 18, 2021
Jan 16, 2021
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