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Joshua Falcon raised £7,040 from 196 supporters


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Closed 22/12/2020

raised of £9,000 target by 196 supporters

    Iʼve raised £7,040 to buy a wheelchair to restore my mum's independence and transform daily life for my younger brother

    Kent, UK
    Funded on Tuesday, 22nd December 2020

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Two years ago, my mum, Tracey, unexpectedly suffered permanent damage to the nerves in her lower back, which resulted in her losing the ability to walk. Before this, she was the most active and independent person I know, with mountains of energy and eagerness to get out and go. As an artist passionate about nature and woodland, she used to spend time each day walking our dog, Fargo, in the woods local to us as inspiration for her work and to find the space she needed to relax.

    The damage to her nerves leaves her in terrible pain each day, which combined with constant migraines has made life increasingly difficult. She is hoping to get a spinal cord stimulator implant to potentially relieve some of this pain, but there is little else that can be done to mitigate the pain she will be in for the rest of her life. She brought my brother and I up as a single parent, and always worked hard to provide for us. She is incredibly stoic, and continues to live as independently as possible, looking after both my 15-year-old brother, Orlando and the dog (paying for a dog walker and relying on the help of various kind friends to take him on daily walks) since I have had to move away for work and can’t be there as often as I’d like. Orlando has been fantastic in caring for her alone, but I can’t stand by and let his entire young-adult life be consumed by being a young carer.

    Up until now she’d been able to cope with an inexpensive second-hand electric wheelchair, which has helped her get to the shops and around town, though rarely back to her beloved woods due to not being properly equipped for the countryside. Despite this, some fantastic friends have managed to take her to the woods a couple of times, which I know have been some of the happiest days she’s had over these past few years.

    Unfortunately, this wheelchair has recently broken down and has become unfeasible to repair, leaving mum stuck at home with little ability to go outside without being pushed around, which doesn’t give her the independence she so desperately needs. I’m looking to raise some money towards getting her an all-terrain wheelchair to allow her to once again get out into the world independently, wherever she wants to be, be it the woods, beach, or around town, as well as fitting into her narrow terraced house. A wheelchair that can meet all of these requirements is unbelievably expensive, and we cannot afford this alone.

    If you can help in any way to improve my mum’s quality of life by donating to this cause, I would be incredibly grateful.

    Thank you




    • Joshua Falcon4 years ago
      Joshua Falcon

      Joshua Falcon

      4 years ago

      Hi All, Quick update on mum's NHS wheelchair funding assessment. Unfortunately the issue is that the house is not eligible as it is not fully wheelchair accessible. This means they will not help fund a wheelchair until the council makes adaptations to the house, despite mum not needing the chair around the house. Our application for the adaptations grant was submitted over a year ago, but no news yet. We'll keep looking at all options and hope these adaptations go ahead. Thanks all for your support. Josh

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    • Joshua Falcon5 years ago
      Joshua Falcon

      Joshua Falcon

      5 years ago

      This fundraiser has been up for 5 days now - and I am shocked at how far it's come in such a short amount of time! Thank you all so much for all of your generosity getting us to £5,000 (40%!), that's a truly incredible amount, and I really appreciate it. We're well on our way to getting mum her wheelchair, and if anyone is able to share our story that hasn't yet, that would be fantastic. Thank you again. Josh

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    • Joshua Falcon5 years ago
      Joshua Falcon

      Joshua Falcon

      5 years ago

      Thank you all for your continued support, I am blown away by your generosity - and also for forwarding on information on NHS wheelchair purchasing assistance. We've signed up for a waiting list for this service, and could potentially get a small contribution towards the cost of a wheelchair, though unfortunately it won't be enough to cover the cost in this case as the chair is so specialised. Thanks again for all your help and advice. Josh

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    5 years ago

    Joshua Falcon started crowdfunding

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    Page last updated on: 11/16/2020 09.31



    • Anonymous


      Nov 16, 2020


    • Laura thomas

      Laura thomas

      Nov 6, 2020


    • Diana Bowerman

      Diana Bowerman

      Nov 2, 2020

      All the very best to your mum X Diana Bowerman friend of Micaela Beaston’s sister.


    • Sarah’s Sister

      Sarah’s Sister

      Oct 18, 2020

      Come on everyone! Let’s get Tracey out into the places that inspire her and make her happy.


    • Alex Milsom

      Alex Milsom

      Oct 10, 2020



    • Paul & Kerry

      Paul & Kerry

      Oct 8, 2020

      Lots of love xx


    • Kerry & Paul

      Kerry & Paul

      Oct 8, 2020

      Love you xx

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    Joshua Falcon

    Joshua Falcon

    Kent, UK

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