We did it!
Anna Brees raised £390 from 4 supporters
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Closed 29/10/2018
Iʼve raised £390 to boost posts on Social Media from police whistle-blowers who are exposing child paedophile rings which are covered up by the establishment
- Funded on Monday, 29th October 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
I am a former BBC and ITV journalist who is now empowering people to tell their story using their mobiles.
I am training whistle-blowers for free, showing them how they can do live broadcasts on social media using their mobile phones. I am also supplying equipment like tripods and microphones out of my own pocket. This crowdfunding is for advertising costs ONLY, to spread this message globally.
I believe citizen journalists have real power to change the future of society for the better, increasing trust, truth and transparency. I recently met Jon Wedger a former Scotland Yard detective. He along with others are exposing an establishment cover up of paedophile rings in the UK, and I am requesting donations to enable me to spread this message on social media, via boosting these post to everyone in the UK. ALL of the money donated will be spent on this. I have spoken to Lenny Harper who led the investigation into child abuse in Jersey at Haut de la Garenne. See more here. https://vimeo.com/277420684
As a former mainstream media journalist I do understand that people are put under pressure sometimes from above to tow the line. Not all information is released to the public, which is why I am seeking to spread these very important testimonies via social media.
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Anna Brees started crowdfunding
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Jasmina Kapic
Aug 8, 2018
Hi Anna, keep up this fight please, this madness has to stop. Worldwide. Greetings from Copenhagen :)
Jul 16, 2018
Jul 4, 2018
Martin Bell
Jul 1, 2018
Hi Anna. Please continue this important work. I wish you all the very best. Best wishes. Martin
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