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Jonathan Lindsay raised £2,925.4 from 129 supporters
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Closed 31/01/2018
Iʼve raised £2,925 to support Cameron's PANDAS Fund for Families with Child Brain Injuries and the Cure4Cam Cameron Truesdale Appeal
- Bangor to Ballinamallard
- Funded on Wednesday, 31st January 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
Our lives have been touched by two very special young men - our son Cameron Lindsay who is recovering from brain injury caused by a condition called PANDAS, and a very brave young lad called Cameron Truesdale who is presently in Mexico receiving life saving treatment for a brain tumour and urgently requires funds to continue to receive this.
- 7 years ago
Jonathan Lindsay
7 years agoOn 27th September and for the forthcoming week, I would very much welcome supporters of all Irish League clubs to come and join me for all or part of the daily route - please feel free to wear your club shirts. Likewise any local runners or members of the general public are very welcome to join me at any point. Daily updates on the route will be posted here and on the Facebook page.
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- 7 years ago
Jonathan Lindsay
7 years agoHaving originally planned the event to be exclusively for the PANDAS charity, we were deeply touched recently by the news story highlighting the plight of a very brave young lad called Cameron Truesdale and his family who are currently in Mexico while Cameron receives life saving treatment for a brain tumour. Accordingly funds raised will be equally split between both charities and the generosity of the public is greatly appreciated in supporting both of these causes.
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- 7 years ago
Jonathan Lindsay
7 years agoOn Saturday 27th October, I will commence my journey to run from to each of this Irish League grounds (starting at Ards FC in Bangor) concluding the following Saturday at Ferney Park, Ballinamallard FC, The route will be about 210 miles which equates to a marathon a day for 8 days. This is to raise money for 2 charities: Cameron's PANDAS fund for families which is a charity set up to help by ourselves to help families who have children suffering from the terrible brain illness PANDAS our own son Cameron suffers from, and the Cure4Cam Appeal.
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David Norwood
Jan 13, 2018
Fantastic running Jonny for two incredible causes!
Nov 30, 2017
Stuart Campbell
Nov 20, 2017
Well done Jonny. Some challenge
Mark Williamson
Nov 12, 2017
Sorry for the late donation. Yet another fantastic achievement m8 and for a great cause. What's next? Run to Russia (fingers crossed) Mark & Susan
Michael Harris
Nov 7, 2017
Well done Jonny!
Alastair Riddell
Nov 7, 2017
Well done Jonny, great result
Adrian Moat
Nov 7, 2017
What you have done is pretty special mate. Never mind next level. Bravo
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