We did it!
Jon Trubridge raised £1,165 from 64 supporters
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Closed 23/08/2020
Iʼve raised £1,165 to Ty Cwtch
- Funded on Sunday, 23rd August 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Ty Cwtch is a residential children’s home which is part of Craig Y Parc School in Cardiff. The school and residential home is for children with complex, neurological and multi-disabilities, such as cerebral palsy.
Staff there have been continuing the amazing care and support they offer during this difficult period sacrificing their own health and safety for the children they look after. They would really benefit from a small cash injection to purchase some essential items that would be used for the enjoyment of the children
I want to do my bit so if I reach my target I will shave my head!
Updates appear here
Jon Trubridge started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Paula C
May 7, 2020
Well done Jon!
Lee Major
May 7, 2020
Well done Jon. Proud of you butt!
John Godden
May 4, 2020
Fine, brave effort!
Richard & Emma Swales
May 3, 2020
Well done Jon from the Swales Crew
Malcolm D
May 2, 2020
Well done Jon you absolute legend!!
Debbie Rees
Apr 30, 2020
Well done x good reason to support
Hannah and Chris x
Apr 30, 2020
Well done Jon 👏🏼
What is crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered charity.
The page owner is responsible for the distribution of funds raised.
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