We did it!
Sue Kerrigan-Harris raised £1,580 from 91 supporters
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Closed 15/01/2021
Iʼve raised £1,580 to John Lovell Memorial Fund
- Funded on Friday, 15th January 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
You may not have known his name but I’m sure you’ll recall seeing John Lovell about Marchwood, picking up litter thoughout the Village, come rain or shine.
John recently passed away at the magnificent age of almost 90 and the Marchwood Community are fundraising for a memorial bench and plaque in his honour.
A truly great man, who over the years must have collected tons of litter and put a smile on many a face as he stopped to chat. He did just a little thing to keep himself fit in his retirement and it warmed the hearts of the whole Community.
Update 13/08/2020: As the target has now been exceeded we will be looking to put any excess towards a stock of litter picking sticks, high visibility vests, and bin bag rings for future Community litter picking events.
The hosting of a memorial bench, determining it’s location, and the installation costs (grounds staff time) will be debated by Marchwood Parish Council at their Amenities Committee Meeting on Monday 21st September 2020.
Updates appear here
Sue Kerrigan-Harris started crowdfunding
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Sep 21, 2020
You will be sorely missed John
Sep 19, 2020
Sep 2, 2020
Thank you for doing this for John Lovell. Saw him picking litter so often even very early in the morning. We are so pleased this is happening.
Aug 28, 2020
Thank you for the years of dedication to keep our village litter free - RIP
Mike C
Aug 28, 2020
Always admired his dedication to keep our village tidy what a wonder person!
Aug 28, 2020
Thank you John for wonderful service to people of Marchwood..R.I.P Sir
Aug 19, 2020
We will miss seeing him walking around the village in all weather. His selfless contribution to our village is an inspiration to everyone.
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