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Marie briggs raised £2,344 from 93 supporters
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Closed 23/11/2018
Iʼve raised £2,344 to help fund hand or foot casts for bereaved parents of stillborn or neonatal lost babies in memory of our beloved son Joe.
- Earlston, UK
- Funded on Friday, 23rd November 2018
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On 15th February 2018 we welcomed our identical twin boys to the world, 8 weeks early. Thomas Joseph Briggs (Tommy) was born at 0.47am. Shortly before his twin brother Joseph (Joe) was born sleeping as a result of Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS). This was the start of a very bittersweet world for us full of unimaginable pain, sadness, worry, confusion, yet also with overwhelming love.
Our little surviving twin, Tommy spent 5 very long and terrifying weeks in hospital - Those weeks felt like a lifetime. Eventually our boy was well enough to come home. His journey has only just begun but he has already shown himself to be quite a fighter. We are so in love with our little hero and feel blessed everyday that he is with us.
Our little Joe has given us so much without even being here. He never drew breath but he has changed us forever; He has reminded us all of how precious and fragile life can be. Every day is a challenge but he has already shown us that we have a strength within us individually and as a family that can move mountains. May he always know how much he was wished for, longed for, prayed for and wanted.
We cherished the time that we were able to spend with Joe and making memories and keepsakes that we could take home with us when we weren't able to take our little boy home with his brother has played a vital role in the grieving process and has provided and will provide great comfort in the years to come. One memory in particular that we treasure is the cast we had taken of Joe's toes. To be able to physically touch, hold, see, something that was exactly his is so very precious and it was down to some very special people that we were lucky enough to have such an amazing gift. Sadly around 300 babies are stillborn in Scotland every year. If we can raise some money in Joe's memory so we can offer those parents a little comfort in their darkest hour, then we will be doing our baby boy proud.
Please feel free to contact us with any fundraising ideas for the "Joe's Toes" fund.
We are currently in discussion with certain charities with regards to Joes Toes Foot Casting and we hope that the money raised will contribute towards the cost of hand and foot casting kits and/or general memory making.
- 7 years ago
Marie briggs
7 years agoThank you!
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- 7 years ago
Marie briggs
7 years agoHi everyone! Hils Robson from Best Begginning Baby Massage is currently planning a family friendly picnic in the park which will take place on 12th July 2018. The picnic is a free event, held as a get together for anyone else who would like to come along. At the picnic will be a raffle in aid of Joe's Toes. We have some fantastic prizes to be won. Please feel free to come along and support us. Details of the picnic can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/152778205582871/?ti=cl
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Marie briggs started crowdfunding
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Tim Maguire
Nov 8, 2018
What a lovely idea x
Oct 14, 2018
Love from Budd parents x
Rachel Jenkinson
Oct 14, 2018
Lovely words Marie - I'm sure that many people find comfort in them as you do in writing them.Well done on your half marathon Ruth xx
Oct 14, 2018
Great job Ruth Chadwick for a great run at the half marathon
Katie Green
Oct 12, 2018
Louise Renton
Oct 12, 2018
jean luke
Oct 12, 2018
So proud of you both xx
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