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Joanne Illsley raised £900 from 63 supporters
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Closed 20/04/2018
Iʼve raised £900 to Jump for the Jamboree - Archie is challenging himself to a sponsored jump at our local trampoline park on Thursday 1st March to raise funds
- Luton, United Kingdom
- Funded on Friday, 20th April 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
Archie amongst other syndromes was born with Primary Lymphoedema in both of his arms and legs. Lymphoedema affects 1 in 6000 people and is a genetic mutation of the lymphatic system which is responsible for fighting infection and drain excess fluid from tissues. He wears compression garments on both arms and legs which are very tight and uncomfortable to try and control the swelling. Although very difficult Archie loves trampolining and does attend regular sessions in the paediatric gym at our local hospital.
Archie has recently become a Beaver at First Luton Sea Scouts where his Brother Charlie has attended for over 2 years as a Cub. During this time Archie built a special bond with one of the young leaders, Andrew.
Andrew would spend a few minutes at the start and end of Cubs kicking a ball around or just talking to Archie which he thought was great as he felt included. Archie has also been lucky enough to go swimming a few times with the Cubs and Andrew has always included him and kept him safe in the water.
Andrew has been selected to attend the 24th World Scout Jamboree in West Virgina, USA next August and he needs to raise funds via charity events to be able to attend. By Archie completing a sponsored jump it is his way of thanking Andrew for all his help and support while also giving Archie more motivation to jump a bit more to help his legs.
It will be a struggle for Archie as he does find it very painful but will do it for Andrew and be very proud of every single amount of donations he will hopefully receive.
It is also World Lymphoedema Day on the 1st March so it is the perfect day for Archie to jump!
- 7 years ago
Joanne Illsley
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 7 years ago
Joanne Illsley
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 7 years ago
Joanne Illsley
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Joanne Illsley started crowdfunding
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Ian Chapman
Mar 7, 2018
Well done Archie, top lad. From Joe, Toby, Holly, Helena and Ian.
Janet and Mick Amat
Mar 6, 2018
To Archie for his kindness and to Andrew for being there for Archie. Well done
Joanne Illsley
Mar 5, 2018
Donated on the night by a very kind member of staff at Jump Arena
Gill Murden
Mar 3, 2018
Well done Archie!
J Jennings
Mar 2, 2018
Well done Archie from Julia and Jamie xx
Mar 2, 2018
Well bounced!
Sarah Sharpe
Mar 2, 2018
Well done Archie x
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Joanne Illsley
Luton, United Kingdom
Archie is challenging himself to a sponsored jump at our local trampoline park on Thursday 1st March to raise funds for Andrews Jamboree