We did it!
Joanne Cowie raised £2,340 from 69 supporters
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Closed 01/03/2023
Iʼve raised £2,340 to help Siobhan's Trust, an amazing UK charity, on the ground in Ukraine and Poland, distributing food and aid to communities there.
- Durham
- Funded on Wednesday, 1st March 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Siobhan’s Trust is a Scottish registered charity. They are small, but they are mighty! I happened upon them when I followed a link from a #BTPosse pal who has real life experience of seeing the amazing work they are doing.
Please take a look at their Instagram page @siobhanstrust or the website www.siobhanstrust.uk The recent video updates are incredible and I've put a link down below to one, but there are lits of others too.
The pictures, videos and updates convey what Siobhan's Trust is doing perfectly. Kindness, care, compassion and support in action. On the ground. The war in Ukraine and its devastating impact have not gone away. People and businesses in the UK have been incredible in supporting Ukraine in so many ways and we need to continue doing whatever we can.
Siobhan’s Trust has been in Ukraine/Poland providing food and support to the displaced population and people in need since March. There is a team of international volunteers, working 24/7, helping people whose lives have been turned upside down.
Siobhan’s Trust has adapted quickly to support the changing needs of people there over the last four months. They are providing hot food, drinks, sanitary products, toiletries, clothes and support every single day to hundreds and hundreds of people. They now have mobile pizza trucks operating in Ukraine travelling around various locations to provide pizza, soup and drinks to people in need. A brief but very welcome respite from the harsh new reality of life there.
The hundreds of volunteers from around the world who have gone to help is incredible. The journeys being made by Ukrainian people displaced by war are devastating, frightening and have turned lives inside out. The work Siobhan’s Trust is doing to support people just like us, but who are caught up in a daily nightmare, is phenomenal.
We may think we are small and how can we be mighty, but do you know what, we can. We can take action too. Every small act makes a difference. That can be in so many different ways and Siobhan’s Trust is making a difference every day. They have inspired me to take action too.
I’d like to support them and let more people know about them to spotlight what essential work they continue to do in Ukraine/Poland. So, on Friday 29th July I will be making my own small journey in support of the work Siobhan’s Trust is doing and to stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.
I’ll be going to my office in Stockton, from home in Durham and then back again. Nothing unusual in that. But on that day I’ll be walking there and hopefully all the way back! In order to avoid being arrested for walking down the A1, my rather indirect walking route will be a trip of at least 26.2 miles and hopefully as many as 45 miles if I get all the way there and back.
I know times are tough. If you are able to sponsor me to raise some much needed funds for Siobhan’s Trust I will be delighted. If you can’t, then please consider reading about what Siobhan’s Trust is doing, follow their stories and share them with your family and friends and your Social Media network.
Thank you 😊
- 3 years ago
Joanne Cowie
3 years agoThe Monday after the Friday before :) Thank you to everyone who supported this fundraising effort for Siobhan's Trust. With offline donations we are at £2300.00 and have raised lots of awareness about this charity making a real difference to people's lives in Ukraine. I walked just shy of 32 miles, 68,200, so quite a long commute :) Supported by Xander and Tasha, cheered with virtual support from friends from the #BTPosse around England, Scotland, Wales + Canada who walked, swam and cycled too, colleagues, family and friends. Thank you xx
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Jan 2, 2023
Great work
Sep 21, 2022
Apologies for just giving very late!!!!! Well done!!! xx
Margaret and Quentin Smith
Aug 5, 2022
Mum's Chums :) Off line donations
Aug 2, 2022
Marion, Jean, Frank, Margaret, The Hall, Rose, Joyce, Maria, David, Cath, Peter, Barbara, Anne, Diane, Denise, Watts, Sarah, Marian, Alan and some anon
Aug 1, 2022
Andy Preston
Jul 31, 2022
Great effort Joanne
Teddy & Bear
Jul 30, 2022
Great cause and great fundraising effort, we’ll done.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Joanne Cowie
Sport loving, hyperactive Notary Public and Property lawyer based in the North East of England