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Jo Tyler raised £1,117.25 from 58 supporters
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Closed 09/03/2017
Iʼve raised £1,117 to support 2 amazing children's charities that I regularly donate to.
- Funded on Thursday, 9th March 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
It's been a while since I have done a huge amount of exercise or any fundraising, but recently I have been inspired by to get fit again and to highlight some a couple of amazing charities that I regularly donate to.
The first is Chestnut Tree House, a local children's hospice. I have been fortunate enough to attend their Christmas Snowman's Ball for the last 2 years and hear from families who have benefitted from the amazing work carried out at a time when they have had to say goodbye to their children. The stories they tell are inspirational as well as incredibly moving, but the care is incredibly costly. As they depend so heavily on donations I wanted to highlight the work they do and their need for funding - hopefully we can donate enough for at least 1 hour of care.
The second is a school that a good friend of mine started in Liberia 7 years ago. In comparison the costs are minimal and a little goes a very long way. Open To Learn is a charity devoted to promoting education and development in Liberia. It provides children with free schooling – a space to learn, clean and cold water and a sense of community, after the country has been devastated from two civil wars and a huge loss of infrastructure. The school now has 11 classrooms and educates 280 kids, but there are plans to expand and help to provide safe, clean water to the wider community. The UN Wood Food Organisation has recently recognised the charity and now helps to provide food for the children whilst at school. It costs just £3 to sponsor a child for a month and I would like to be able to donate enough to fund a class of 30 children for at least 3 months.
So I am running the Brighton Half Marathon on Sunday 26th February. It's a big deal for me as it's a return to running after 2 children and at the age of 40 it's a lot harder than it was 15 years ago - the first and last time I attempted such a thing. Please donate whatever you can.
- 8 years ago
Jo Tyler
8 years agoThank you to everyone who supported me and donated. It will make a massive difference to Chestnut Tree House and Open to Learn. Together we smashed the original £550 target to more than double that amount. In total (with some cash donations) we have raised £1142 - incredible. I never dreamt it would be so much. Thank you again xxx
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- 8 years ago
Jo Tyler
8 years agoThank you for everyone who has sponsored me so far. I'm 30% towards my target and dreading my run in freezing conditions with a stinking cold tomorrow - so every £ is lifting my spirits and making me realise I have to do it now 😬
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K Tyler
Mar 5, 2017
Well done sis, very impressed.
Olly Bootle
Mar 2, 2017
Well done Jo, amazing. xx
K Morris
Feb 28, 2017
Good Luck Jo.
Feb 28, 2017
Well done Jo! A great achievement and a nice warm up for the London Marathon (??)CheersJohn
Georgie St Clair
Feb 28, 2017
Amazing well done! Full marathon next? 😉
jim aspdin
Feb 28, 2017
Good luck!
Cristina Melenchon
Feb 27, 2017
Well done Jo. I bet you feel great! See you soon I hope.Cxx
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