Iʼve raised £480 to adopt a koala and support the WWF conservation work in Australia.
- Funded on Tuesday, 25th May 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
With thousands of trees bulldozed each day across Australia, our koalas are very quickly heading towards extinction in east coast states by 2050. And with critical koala populations still recovering from last summer's devastating fires, they urgently need help now. Nearly 3 billion animals were impacted by the fires - among them over 6,000 koalas who were killed in NSW alone. On a slippery slope even before this, they are now in a full-blown extinction crisis. By adopting a koala today, you can help significantly increase the capacity of wildlife carers and medical facilities so injured koalas can get the care they need, create wildlife corridors that will allow them to move around safely, and rapidly restore large areas of koala habitat.
And for each koala you assist, you'll be helping hundreds of other native animals too.
- 4 years ago
Jo Hogg
4 years agoThank you so much to everyone who took part in the sponsorship on Friday! We loved seeing some of the Joeys on the zoom assembly. What an amazing amount of money raised thank you! Such an excellent cause. Thank you!
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- 4 years ago
Jo Hogg
4 years agoThank you so much to everyone who took part in the sponsorship on Friday! We loved seeing some of the Joeys on the zoom assembly. What an amazing amount of money raised thank you! Such an excellent cause. Thank you!
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- 4 years ago
Jo Hogg
4 years agoThank you so much to everyone who took part in the sponsorship on Friday! We loved seeing some of the Joeys on the zoom assembly. What an amazing amount of money raised thank you! Such an excellent cause. Thank you!
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Jo Hogg started crowdfunding
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Mrs Hilson
Feb 8, 2021
Hope Mulberry Class enjoyed caring for their joey as much as I did! Mrs Hilson
Mrs Tomes-Rolt
Feb 7, 2021
Well done to all of you. I can put away my Kangaroo onesie for another year.Mrs Tomes-Rolt
Feb 7, 2021
Well done all of you great job and super cause.
Kayley turney
Feb 7, 2021
Well done Oliver Turney you did a great job looking after your joey! Lots of love mummy, daddy and all the family xx
Feb 6, 2021
Well done Rachael from the Spencer and Rainey family.
Feb 5, 2021
Zachary has enjoyed looking after a joey for the day. Great idea
Feb 5, 2021
Well Done Seven Jones looking after your Joey today. Lots of love Daddy and Amy, Grandma and Grandad, Great Grandma and Grandad Jones and Great Grandma Liz
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