We did it!
James Bradley raised £4,430.2 from 157 supporters
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Closed 26/08/2020
Iʼve raised £4,430 to The Intensive Care Unit Causeway Hospital
- Funded on Wednesday, 26th August 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
The Belfast Marathon has been cancelled on the 3rd May due to the Coronavirus. So i have decided to run a local 26.2 mile maraton on Sunday morning. Hopefully any money raised will provide the Intensive Care Unit Causeway hospital With equipment for patients to contact their loved ones whilst in hospital. My wife Nicola is part of the I.C.U team. If you would like to show your support please follow the link to my just giving marathon page to make a donation.
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James Bradley started crowdfunding
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Declan & Catherine Maguire
Jun 28, 2020
Brian Sheehan
May 29, 2020
Brilliant stuff Jim.
Cheryl Mullan
May 23, 2020
Brilliant Jim, well done.
May 22, 2020
Keep on running Jim. Great effort
May 18, 2020
£8 😂I hid it from public view - looks very stingy, ‘local doc donates 8 quid’ 😂
Ronan McBride
May 16, 2020
David & Sandra
May 13, 2020
Very well done Jim! Hope you're enjoying a rest now.
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