Iʼve raised £380 to for a new shelter for Alpaca Acres to replace the one that was damaged in a storm.
- Ilford and Colchester
- Funded on Saturday, 2nd September 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Alpaca Acres is a small family run therapeutic farm in Colchester. They are open to everyone but have a particular focus on supporting children, teens and adults with additional needs, physical disabilities and mental health issues by creating a calm and safe environment and only ever seeing one family or group at any one time.
Recently, in a storm, they lost their emperor tent which was vital shelter and allowed them to continue their good work welcoming visitors in all weathers.
My 11 year old daughter has visits to Alpaca Acres very often. She has additional needs and benefits greatly from going there. She wanted to do something to help them raise money for a permanent structure and decided herself to climb the stairs in her favourite building, Pioneer Point in Ilford, which is 33 floors high.
All the money raised will go straight to Dawn and Paige at Alpaca Acres for them to build their shelter and to continue the unique and fantastic work that they do. So many people benefit so much from Alpaca Acres, it really is a special place so it is an absolute honour to be able to give something back.
We would like to thank everyone who sponsors Jez in her climb. Every donation is appreciated regardless of the amount, during these difficult times.
We would also like to thank Hannah from Realstar and Cassie and everyone at Pioneer Point for allowing this to go ahead. You have been very supportive and accomodating and it is much appreciated.
Thank you.
- 1 year ago
Jez L
1 year agoToday I am going to withdraw all of the money and give it to Alpaca Acres. If you would like to visit them go to Facebook. Thank you to everyone who donated Im so thankful for your support Im really happy that I got to do something I'd always wanted to. Thanks again to Hannah and Cassie and to Lianna for putting me on the radio. The whole thing has been a wonderful experience and I enjoyed it from start to finish...now it's time to give the money♥️♥️♥️
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- 2 years ago
Jez L
2 years agoToday I did it! I climbed all the way to the top of the North Tower in 14 minutes!. It felt good and I brought plenty of water and my favourite plushy, Firery from BFDI. Thank you so much to everyone who donated before and after the event and thank you to everyone from Pioneer Point.
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- 2 years ago
Jez L
2 years agoWe are on Time FM hourly news https://www.time1075.net/popup/ To listen Thank you Lianna and all at time FM Love Jez ♥️♥️♥️♥️
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Jez L started crowdfunding
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Layla and Frosty (Azra)
Jul 13, 2023
Well done to our little/big sister Jezebel for climbing all the way up Pioneer Point in 14 minutes! ♥️💕♥️💕♥️💕
The Mills Family
Jul 12, 2023
Well done Jezebel, you did brilliantly! 👏👏👏
Jul 12, 2023
Good luck
Rosa Lea’s paint Studio
Jul 1, 2023
Jenny & Lucy
Jun 30, 2023
Not long now till the day. Climb those stairs like a pro and have fun! 😃
Kirsten and Elissia
Jun 7, 2023
Good luck Jezebel!
Jun 5, 2023
Donated on behalf of Tash: Well done Jez for being so courageous and kind hearted
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Jez L
Ilford and Colchester
Mum set this up for daughter with additional needs who was desperate to climb up her favourite building to raise money for her favourite place