We did it!
Peter Southwell raised £16,435 from 549 supporters
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Closed 16/09/2023
Iʼve raised £16,435 to erect a statue of Jethro, anything above this will go to Children’s Hospice Southwest, a charity close to Jethro’s heart
- Funded on Saturday, 16th September 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
We all adored Jethro and want to honour this great man. We would like to raise enough to have a statue made, ideally of him looking over the farm gate, but we are always open to ideas. Once created we’d love it placed at Camborne station Ive enquired with GWR and British Rail and they say the start would have to come from the local council, so anyone with contacts with Camborne council, please get in touch. Please help us to remember this wonderful, kind loc man
3 years ago
Peter Southwell
3 years agoThank you so much to all of you who have so generously given, it’s fantastic. Unfortunately we still have a long way to go, so please, please tell your friends and let’s get this going. I’ve spoken to Tank and he has an idea whereby Cornish and Devon rugby clubs raise money on the back of this with half being retained by the club and half coming to the Statue for Jethro fund. Let me know if you think this can be done, if you have any contacts, and if it is indeed legal!! Anyway enjoy your weekend and stay safe Oh and thank you again x
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Paul Syrett
Sep 16, 2023
For the joy of laughter
Michael Terry
Sep 16, 2023
Keep going lads 🙏🙏🙏
Slipalong Trevaskis
Sep 16, 2023
Yer - I bought all these 4XL tee shirts.I'm making a gazzeebow out of em to celebrate Denzil's birthday next month!In memory of my best mate ever, JETHRO. :-)
Paddy Flavin
Sep 5, 2023
Not much to go now.
Tim Cooke
Aug 31, 2023
Kevin Bowden
Aug 12, 2023
hope you reach the target soon in memory of the great man
Liam Charles
Aug 12, 2023
Amazing work carried out by everyone. All in memory of the great man.
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