We did it!
Jenny Jervis raised £660 from 37 supporters
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Closed 28/05/2018
Iʼve raised £660 to support my good friend Crispy who is battling every single day with MND.
- M
- Funded on Monday, 28th May 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
I am running the Mayhill Massacre on Sunday 4th Feb to support my amazing friend Crispy who is living each day with MND. An incurable, cruel illness. He is doing this so positively, courageously and trying to kick its arse and I couldn‘t be more proud of him.
Crispy is self employed and its getting harder and harder to work the hours he’d like to due to appointments, difficulty and motivation. He needs a break and should be spending as much time as he can with his beautiful little boy, Freddie. If I can help do that in any way through putting myself through a few hours of torture to raise a few pounds, i’ll do so happily.
I have said many times that i’m hanging up my running shoes, but they keep popping out again! I havent trained one bit for this 9 miles tough course so it won’t be easy. And with all this rain, it’s only going to make it harder. Please donate as much as you can, will give me the motivation I need to get through and will massively help Crispy.
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Jenny Jervis started crowdfunding
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Eleanor Marsden
Feb 8, 2018
You're amazing Jen x x
Feb 5, 2018
YEY!! Well done Jen and Gem x
William Rendell
Feb 5, 2018
Well done JJ, big love from the Rendell's
Ben, Jess, Izzie and Artie
Feb 5, 2018
Well done JJ!You are amazingXx
Kate Wood
Feb 5, 2018
So proud of your kindness and strength - you rock JJ xx
Feb 5, 2018
Dani Parker-thomas
Feb 4, 2018
Well done Jenny! Awesome work as always! Love the PT’s xxx
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