We did it!
Settle College raised £11,270 from 213 supporters
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Closed 09/07/2021
Iʼve raised £11,270 to leave a lasting legacy to the school which was Jayne's wishes. Jayne was an inspiration to all, everyday.
- Funded on Friday, 9th July 2021
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Our much loved and cherished member of staff at the College, Jayne Lodge sadly passed away on the 4th March 2021. True to her absolute greatness, she wants all donations raised at her funeral and any from the wider community to be given to the College. With the support of the family, any funds raised would be used as a fitting tribute, supporting and championing young people as Jayne did throughout her time at the College.
One colleague wrote; Some teachers leave and are remembered for some of the great things they achieved, some are lauded as being one of the best in their field; Jayne Lodge was a legend. The sort of teacher you can never replace. Her footprints will remain in the school ethos for years to come."
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Settle College started crowdfunding
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Apr 23, 2021
Ellie Brown
Apr 6, 2021
It was always (& still is) incredibly clear how loved Jayne was by her family: I hope they know how highly so many people thought of her, & who are deeply saddened by her passing. An incredible lady x
Mar 31, 2021
Jayne was a wonderful wife and mum it’s heart breaking she’s gone I’m so proud of her and all she achieved at school thank you for all the messages of support and overwhelming amount of money raised
Mar 30, 2021
Our deepest sympathies to Mrs Lodge’s family and to the school. She had a real gift to be able to care and advocate for young people. We as a family are grateful for her kindness, help and support.
Mar 26, 2021
Mar 26, 2021
Mar 25, 2021
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