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Kellie Allen - Fundraising for Jaxx, Mei & Jacque raised £59,810 from 1280 supporters
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Closed 11/03/2022
Iʼve raised £59,810 to support Childhood Cancer Research & Eduka nursery - In loving memory of Jaxx (please read update below)
- Funded on Friday, 11th March 2022
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UPDATE 4th JULY 2021
We wanted to update everyone who has supported Jaxx and his family.
Jaxx sadly lost his battle and passed away on 22nd of April. His memorial was held shortly after in Ibiza and family and friends were able to come together attend a beautiful ceremony full of memories of Jaxx. Today marks Jaxx’s 4th birthday and his parents Mei and Jacque want to express their gratitude for every single donation, every prayer, every message and gesture.
This fund will remain open in Jaxx’s memory to raise funds and awareness for children with brain tumours. On 29th July a charity event by ‘A Lost Weekend’ called ‘Raised By Ravers’ will be held at Bambuku in Ibiza to celebrate Jaxx’s life and raise money for Childhood Cancer Research and to support Jaxx’s nursery Eduka. Donations are still gratefully received and will be passed on the these important causes.
Thank you ✨
Just a very short update to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has recently donated towards Jaxx's fund. We were super grateful to receive just under £8,000 raised thanks to A Lost Weekend who hosted a live stream featuring Eats Everything, Nic Fanciulli, Sam Divine and Arielle Free.
Jaxx is approaching the final few sessions of his Radiotherapy treatment in Palma. There will be some time between this and his next round of treatment, and his parents are currently looking into treatment options in Germany.

Jacque and Mei would like to pass on their gratitude for all of your donations, messages and positive thoughts for Jaxx.
Jaxx began his Radiotherapy sessions just before Christmas, he is currently on his 13th session, and attends th
e hospital every weekday morning. This is an intensive primary round of 33 sessions with the aim of rapidly decreasing the size of the tumour.
Alongside these sessions alternative medicines and supplements are being administered to Jaxx with the help and guidance of a medical specialist in Spain.
At the end of this round of RT, the family plan to book in an MRI scan for Jaxx to assess any immediate changes to the tumour. Another MRI scan will be conducted as part of the treatment plan by the hospital 8 weeks after the RT is completed. Depending on these scan results, the family is researching options to continue Jaxx's treatment in Mallorca, Barcelona or Germany where they can begin Immunotherapy treatment.
Hi and thank you for visiting this page. We are fundraising on behalf of the lovely little Jaxx and his loving parents Mei and Jacque. I will be passing on all of your messages of love and
support to them all.
(traducción al español en la parte inferior de la página)
The entire objective of this page is to raise funds for Jaxx, the focus is to enable his parents Mei and Jacque to give him access to the best possible treatment plan, which at present there are still some uncertainties around. In addition we want to ensure that additional living costs of the family are covered during this time so that they can continue to focus exclusively on creating a positive environment for Jaxx.
Jaxx is a delightful, playful and much-loved 3 year old little boy, born and raised mostly in Ibiza. He had just started his first year at infant school, which he loved after a couple of amazing years at the wonderful nursery Eduka run by the one and only Maria (who is a legend) and is bilingual in Catalan and English as much as a 3 year old can be! He really enjoys playing football and playing with dinosaurs and monster trucks and he has many friends from school who he loves playing with and misses dearly.
"I’m also keen for people to have a better insight into Jaxx as a person and the simply amazing little boy that he is and continues to be: Jaxx is our loving son and a 3 year old little boy just full of life and soul, he is a much loved friend with the kindest heart and definitely knows his own mind! During his time at Eduka he was known for his kind and gentle nature and was particularly caring towards the younger children who he loved to show the ropes and help settle in. He loves his cars, trucks and bikes and playing football with his daddy. This little boy is strong beyond words and our very own real life Super Hero!"

Unfortunately, out of nowhere, Jaxx has recently become very ill and upon one of several recent trips to the local hospital in Ibiza, they discovered he had a tumour in his brain. The location of the tumour was a big concern to the neurosurgeon in ibiza hence the seriousness of the situation.

Jaxx was emergency airlifted to the hospital in Palma de Mallorca as he needed to be looked after in an ICU for children which was not available in ibiza to ensure Jaxx remained stable until his second and more in-depth MRI. Three specialists performed a very delicate biopsy 12 days ago to decipher what type of tumour he has and how it can be treated. He is currently residing in the children's ward whilst in recovery from the biopsy and his parents are expecting the results within days.
Jacque adds:
"The setting in which his treatment is to take place is not yet decided but his treatment plan is likely to include a combination of conventional and alternative therapies. There are ongoing discussions as to where the best place is for Jaxx right now and may involve us moving him to a specialist hospital in the UK (GOSH) or even America. We may also find ourselves in position moving forward where Jaxx needs further support at home too. Mei and I want to leave no stone unturned and will be researching things such as Alkaline diets, supplements and therapies. The funds so generously donated will help us create a truly special and unique treatment plan for Jaxx, with his quality of life and best interests at the heart of all decisions made by us his parents."
**UPDATE: We received some preliminary news from the doctors at the hospital in Palma yesterday that the name of Jaxx's condition is called a High-Grade Anaplastic Astrocytoma tumour in the Posterior Fossa. We don't have the full results from the biopsy yet, but we are expecting these next week. We have been told the tumour is inoperable, and so the treatment Jaxx will undergo involves radiotherapy and alternative medicinal therapies with the aim to stop the growth of the tumour. Jaxx's parents have been given clearance to take him out of the hospital next week. They would like to rent a house in Palma with a garden where he can enjoy some outside space in close proximity to the hospital, where he will be getting daily treatments.**

As you can imagine, life has drastically changed for Jaxx and his parents.
Jacque adds:
"We Jaxx’s parents Mei and Jacque along with all of Jaxx’s friends and family are eternally grateful for everyone kind words, donation and sharing of Jaxx’s story.
Any funds that are not utilised for Jaxx’s care will be put into trust to support other families that find themselves in this truly devastating and unknown journey.
Once we have Jaxx’s full biopsy results we will be in a position to make a clearer plan and will be sure to keep you all updated on Jaxx’s journey and we are sure progress."

Whatever the outcome, we expect there to be continued outgoings for Jaxx's care and so if you are in a position to contribute towards these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Mei also asked that we Thank you for the overwhelming support and kindness of all her close friends, friends from the island, and also the warmth from people she doesn't even know. During the current climate of the world we are living in and having to endure a life-changing event like this, to know that we are all still united is an amazing and an emotional moment that she will never forget. She cannot thank you all enough. ❤️
** UPDATE 26th November 2020 **
Hi everyone. Just wanted to update you on Jaxx from Mei & Jacque as I know you're all wondering how he is and keeping him in your thoughts. He was discharged from the hospital on Monday and is currently staying with his parents in Palma close by. They are working towards him standing and walking after being in the hospital bed for a month so that he can enjoy some well-needed freedom and fresh air. The full biopsy results are still not back just yet but once they are, his radiotherapy treatment at the hospital can begin. Some of the money raised has already been used to make his living conditions outside of hospital more comfortable, and they have also enlisted the help of a medical researcher for alternative therapies. Tomorrow, they have another consultation with a leading Neurosurgeon. I'll aim to bring you another update soon, when Mei and Jacque have the full biopsy results. On behalf of both of them, thank you so much for all of your love and support.


Estamos recaudando £ 50,000 para contribuir a los gastos del tratamiento y cuidado de Jaxx.
Hola y gracias por visitar esta página. Estoy recaudando fondos en nombre del pequeño y encantador Jaxx y sus queridos padres Mei y Jacque. Les pasaré todos sus mensajes de amor y apoyo a ellos.
El objetivo de esta página es recaudar fondos para Jaxx,. El enfoque es permitir que sus padres Mei y Jacque le den acceso al mejor plan de tratamiento posible y que en la actualidad todavía existen algunas incertidumbres. Además, queremos asegurarnos de que los gastos de vida adicionales de la familia estén cubiertos durante este tiempo, para que puedan continuar enfocándose exclusivamente en crear un ambiente positivo para Jaxx.
Jaxx es un niño de 3 años encantador, juguetón y muy querido, nacido y criado principalmente en Ibiza.
Acababa de comenzar su primer año en la escuela infantil, que le encantó y empezaba una nueva y bonita etapa, después de un par de años increíbles en la maravillosa guardería Eduka, dirigida por la única María (que es una leyenda) y es bilingüe hablando catalán e inglés con solo tres añitos! Le gusta mucho jugar al fútbol y jugar con dinosaurios y camiones y tiene muchos amigos de la escuela con los que le encanta jugar y que extraña mucho.
"Me encantaría explicar un poco como es Jaxx; ¡Es un niño simplemente increíble!
Jaxx es nuestro querido hijo y un niño de 3 años lleno de vida y alma. Él es un buen amigo, muy cariñoso, divertido, con el corazón más bondadoso, seguro de si mismo y de su inteligencia! Durante su tiempo en Eduka fue conocido por su naturaleza amable y gentil y fue particularmente cariñoso con los niños más pequeños a quienes quería para mostrar las cuerdas y ayudar a asentarse. Le encantan sus coches, camionetas y bicicletas y jugar al fútbol con su papá. Este pequeño es fuerte más allá de las palabras y es nuestro superhéroe en la vida real ".
Desafortunadamente, de la nada y en cuestión de días, Jaxx se ha puesto muy enfermo recientemente y en uno de varios viajes recientes al hospital local en Ibiza, descubrieron que tenía un tumor en el cerebro. La ubicación del tumor fue una gran preocupación para el neurocirujano en ibiza de ahí la gravedad de la situación.
Jaxx fue trasladado en helicóptero de emergencia al hospital de Palma de Mallorca porque necesitaba ser atendido en una UCI para niños que no estaba disponible en ibiza para garantizar que Jaxx permaneciera estable hasta su segunda y más profunda resonancia magnética.
Tres especialistas le realizaron una biopsia muy delicada hace 12 días para descifrar qué tipo de tumor tiene y cómo se puede tratar. Actualmente reside en la sala de niños mientras se recupera de la biopsia y sus padres esperan los resultados en unos días.
Jacque agrega:
"El entorno en el que se llevará a cabo su tratamiento aún no está decidido, pero es probable que su plan de tratamiento incluya una combinación de terapias convencionales y alternativas. Hay discusiones en curso sobre cuál es el mejor lugar para Jaxx en este momento e incluso trasladarlo a un hospital especializado en el Reino Unido (GOSH) o incluso en Estados Unidos.
También es posible que nos encontremos en una posición en la que Jaxx necesite más apoyo en casa. Mei y yo queremos transmitir que no pararemos de buscar otras alterativas y estaremos investigando cosas como Dietas alcalinas, suplementos y terapias. Los fondos donados tan generosamente nos ayudarán a crear un plan de tratamiento verdaderamente especial y único para Jaxx, con su calidad de vida y sus mejores intereses en el centro de todas las decisiones que tomemos, sus padres ".
** ACTUALIZACIÓN: Ayer recibimos noticias preliminares de los médicos del hospital de Palma de que el nombre de la afección de Jaxx se llama Tumor de astrocitoma anaplásico de alto grado en la fosa posterior. Aún no tenemos los resultados completos de la biopsia, pero los esperamos la semana que viene. Nos han dicho que el tumor es inoperable, por lo que el tratamiento al que se someterá Jaxx incluye radioterapia y terapias medicinales alternativas con el objetivo de detener el crecimiento del tumor.
Los padres de Jaxx recibieron autorización para sacarlo del hospital la próxima semana. Quieren alquilar una casa en Palma con jardín donde pueda disfrutar de un espacio exterior en las proximidades del hospital, donde recibirá tratamientos diarios. **
Como podéis imaginar, la vida ha cambiado drásticamente para Jaxx y sus padres. Hace cuatro semanas Jaxx estaba en la escuela y estaban sentados en Bellamar disfrutando de la vida (¡los fines de semana!). De vivir un sueño a convertirse en una pesadilla de la noche a la mañana.
Jacque agrega:
"Nosotros, los padres de Jaxx, Mei y Jacque, junto con todos los amigos y familiares de Jaxx, estamos eternamente agradecidos por las amables palabras, la donación y que se comparta la historia de Jaxx.
Todos los fondos que no se utilicen para el cuidado de Jaxx se pondrán en fideicomiso para apoyar a otras familias que se encuentren en este viaje verdaderamente devastador y desconocido.
Una vez que tengamos los resultados completos de la biopsia de Jaxx, estaremos en condiciones de hacer un plan más claro y nos aseguraremos de mantenerlos a todos actualizados sobre el viaje de Jaxx y de su progreso ".
Nuestro objetivo de recaudación no está determinado en este momento mientras esperamos los resultados, pero esperamos que esté sobre los £ 50,000, por lo que lo hemos establecido en ese momento hasta que sepamos más sobre las opciones de tratamiento. Mantendremos esta página actualizada cuando recibamos más noticias.
Cualquiera que sea el resultado, la familia tendrá gastos continuos para el cuidado de Jaxx. Si estáis en condiciones de contribuir con estos gastos os agradecemos muchísimo vuestra colaboración.
Mei, la madre de Jaxx, quiere transmitir que está abrumada por el apoyo y la amabilidad de todos sus amigos cercanos, amigos de la isla y también por la calidez de personas que ni siquiera conoce.
En el momento actual tan difícil que vivimos y además, enfrentarse a esta situación que cambia la vida completamente, saber que seguimos unidos es increíble y muy emotivo y su madre Mei nunca lo olvidará.
Mei está eternamente agradecida ❤️
4 years ago
Kellie Allen - Fundraising for Jaxx, Mei & Jacque
4 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
4 years ago
Kellie Allen - Fundraising for Jaxx, Mei & Jacque
4 years ago** UPDATE 26TH NOVEMBER 2020 ** Hi everyone, I've posted an update just now on Jaxx's situation in the main description of this fundraising page because JustGiving wont allow more than 500 characters in this update, so I couldn't fit it all in here. Please scroll up to read in full, thanks so much for your support and love on behalf of Jaxx, Mei & Jacque xxx
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4 years ago
Kellie Allen - Fundraising for Jaxx, Mei & Jacque
4 years agoHi all, just passing on this thank you message from Mei and Jacque to you all x
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Kellie Allen - Fundraising for Jaxx, Mei & Jacque started crowdfunding
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Paul dorset
Jan 16, 2022
Keep up the great work
Anthea Rastall
Oct 22, 2021
Hey Mei, I haven’t been in touch in ages. I just saw your Instagram profile and wanted to send you so much love. You and your family are in my thoughts 💕💕
Aug 28, 2021
Everyone wake up and help here
Sam, Frank and Eddie Scott
Jul 30, 2021
Lovely day yesterday. Amazing cause xx
Jul 29, 2021
Jun 21, 2021
Sending love ❤️ Xx
Jasmine Viltan
Jun 15, 2021
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