We did it!
jamie bagge raised £1,155 from 42 supporters
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Closed 19/03/2024
Iʼve raised £1,155 to to buy a medical gaming kart system for safari ward at Great Ormond Street Hospital
- Funded on Tuesday, 19th March 2024
Don't have time to donate right now?
We will be lighting up our house this December from the 1st. This year we are raising money for a cause that is close to our hearts. We started this year only to find one of our children suddenly became unwell. As a result we found ourselves admitted to Basildon hospital then transferred to Great Ormond Street Hospital. We was on safari ward children's oncology and I can honestly say it is the most heart wrenching place we have ever been. While we was waiting to go down for a procedure we was lucky enough we was given a medical gaming kart system to play this gave us the opportunity to forget where we was and why we was there. And also while we we spoke to drs kept our child distracted.
After some time and alot of appointments & medication I can say we have been discharged but we will never forget the whole experience and would love to be able to purchase a rocking r system to donate to Great Ormond Street Hospital.
We will have our magical wishing well in the garden to collect donations also we will be setting up a just giving page I have never had a set target in mine over the years but I know the cost of the medical gaming kart system what is £2400.
We have personally donated £1000 to this so if we can raise the remaining £1400 would be amazing.
Thanks for your support as ever.
Merry Christmas from us all at Whitmore winter wonderland.
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jamie bagge started crowdfunding
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Dec 29, 2023
Well done to everyone involved! Absolutely love the Whitmore Christmas Lights 😊
Dec 28, 2023
GOSH is extremely important, I am happy to contribute, I apologize, it is only a minimal amount….
Elle Ashwell
Dec 28, 2023
You make Christmas magical every year! Well done and thank you for all your hard work over the years! Wishing the family health and happiness for many years to come :)
Dec 27, 2023
Well done Jamie x
Dec 25, 2023
Sophie 💗
Dec 25, 2023
Well done !! Keep up the hard work 💚🎅🎄
Roker group
Dec 23, 2023
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