We did it!
James Thomson raised £750 from 33 supporters
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Closed 03/03/2021
Iʼve raised £750 to help pay for the ongoing costs of running the Mad In The UK website.
- United Kingdom
- Funded on Wednesday, 3rd March 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
MITUK's mission is to serve as a catalyst for fundamentally re-thinking theory and practice in the field of mental health in the UK, and promoting positive change. We believe that the current diagnostically-based paradigm of care has comprehensively failed, and that the future lies in non-medical alternatives which explicitly acknowledge the causal role of social and relational conflicts, abuses, adversities and injustices. We campaign for a change in the professional and public discourse about emotional distress and unusual experiences; for support, both within and beyond services, which meets people’s real needs; and for social policy which addresses the causes of distress at its roots. MITUK will strive to do this in several ways:
✺ By providing summaries of research articles that regularly go unnoticed in the general media because they challenge conventional wisdom.
✺ By hosting a community of writers with diverse experiences and backgrounds who share our belief that the current paradigm of mental health care has failed and needs to be rethought.
✺ By providing a forum for readers to add their thoughts and opinions to this discussion.
✺ By reporting in-depth pieces that deconstruct the conventional ‘evidence base’ for psychiatric drugs and other aspects of current mental health care and tell of alternatives to conventional interventions.
✺ By providing links to a range of websites, podcasts and blogs that also offer ideas, information, projects and resources beyond the current paradigm
We need your help to keep it going!
With thanks,
MITUK team.
![James Thomson](https://images.justgiving.com/image/a80dec76-7fe4-4b0d-8b49-6b549242c0cd.jpg?template=CrowdfundingOwnerAvatar)
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James Thomson started crowdfunding
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Anna Harpin
Feb 18, 2021
Feb 17, 2021
Alyne Duthie
Feb 17, 2021
Feb 17, 2021
Feb 17, 2021
Jan 31, 2021
Jan 15, 2021
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![James Thomson](https://images.justgiving.com/image/a80dec76-7fe4-4b0d-8b49-6b549242c0cd.jpg?template=CrowdfundingOwnerAvatar)