We did it!
Jacqueline Warren raised £180 from 15 supporters
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Closed 22/08/2018
Iʼve raised £180 to Buy 2 robotic cats for Elizabeth House Care Home to improve the residents' wellbeing of living with Dementia. The cats inspire memories.
- Funded on Wednesday, 22nd August 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
I work at Elizabeth House Care Home in Bognor Regis, which is part of the Shaw healthcare Group. All 60 residents at Elizabeth House have a diagnosis of Dementia. I have seen the residents with one of these robotic cats and can see how much they benefit. The cats look and feel realistic, purr, meow and move when touched. This brings comfort and inspires memories for the residents from when they had pets in the past. They have been proven to improve the wellbeing of those living with Dementia - and that can only be a good thing! The cats cost approximately £100 each with postage and packing to be added. I would absolutely love to raise enough money to purchase two of these cats. I am doing a sponsored zip wire challenge on 11 May to hopefully achieve this. I am terrified of heights and speed - so please wish me well! Thank you for your time! :)
Jackie xx
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Patrick Wilson
May 24, 2018
Bit late Jacqueline but well done, xx
Chanel Mclaughlin
May 14, 2018
Well done gal! Xxx
May 10, 2018
Best of luck Jackie!
R Taylor
May 9, 2018
Good luck Jackie we think you are very brave and Harry does to woof woof xxxx
May 9, 2018
Best of luck Jackie. You can do it. Love from 'Auntie' Christine xx
Katherine Duffy
May 8, 2018
Good luck fundraising for a beautiful cause :-)
Emma Wilson
May 8, 2018
Best of British Jackie... I know how you feel about heights! You will absolutely crack this lass - Mum would be rubbing your back to fill you with confidence. xxx Em
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