Iʼve raised £10 to help fund IVF after IUI failed
- Manchester, United Kingdom
- Funded on Tuesday, 6th June 2017
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I have set up this page to help fund IVF as myself and my partner have tried IUI many times but, sadly, to no avail. This has cost a small fortune with getting screened sperm shipped from a reputable clinic over in Denmark. [for anyone going through this-how dear is sperm?!] We have now run out of money and cards are maxed out, I feel this page is our only hope of having a baby now and have been reluctant to set this up but having seen the toll it is taking on my partner, whose lifelong dream it has been to have a baby, I had to do it. This is a last resort for us. My partner had waited to try for a baby as the time wasn't right with previous partners but when we met I was more than willing to help her try to fulfil her dream, unfortunately biological clocks don't tick forever but in her early 40's and with a history of early menopause in her family then we feel time is running out.
- 8 years ago
Ivf Fund
8 years agoJust set this page up, here's hoping we can achieve our dream of having a much wanted baby.
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Feb 8, 2017
It took me a long time to have a baby and IVF is ridiculously expensive. I hope you reach your target and that it all works out for you x
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