We did it!
Godfrey Family raised £11,085 from 464 supporters
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Closed 07/11/2018
Iʼve raised £11,085 to Help towards the ongoing medical expenses and further treatment.
- Clacton-on-Sea, UK
- Funded on Wednesday, 7th November 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
*** Following the most recent of Scans, we are thrilled and utterly shocked at receiving the best news we could have ever expected! Sophie has been moved out of the Terminal category and now placed into untreatable” yes of course this still means there is a long road, however it means she can now make plans with some hope for the future. With sheer hard work and complete change of lifestyle along with a heart full of hope, miracles do happen! So cheers to the next chapter - and love, prayers and thanks to you all xx
For and on behalf of our beautiful Sophie George, wife to be to Jay and mummy to our beautiful Marcie. Who has been diagnosed with GLIBOMASTORMA 4 (GBM) in lamens terms stage 4 cancer of the Brain. She has been told that worse way she has 18 months of her beautiful life left - just 26 years young, but we REFUSE to accept that and will continue to do all we can to fight this.
This is for Sophie, her partner Jay and their beautiful daughter Marcie one years old. We are determined that we will help Sophie get better, we will not give up on her or Jay or Marcie without a fight! We have put Sophie on the best diet possible ensuring that she gets every vital ounce of nourishment into her body. we are hoping to raise some money to help towards Medical and travel costs, and to create special memories for days out etc. They are also hoping to fulfill their dream of getting married, so basically it is for anything to go towards helping them. We have had amazing comments about opening this page, something we didn’t feel comfortable with, but hey ho, it’s all or nothing, it all boils down to the fact we have and will do ANYTHING to help her, Jay and Marcie get through this. Along the way we hope sincerely to raise awareness of this horrible disease, and if what we are doing can help save someone elses life, there’s a little comfort Taken from that.
A local pub will be doing a fundraising event to correspond with this just giving page, details will be added when we have more information.
Thank you for your kind and generous support, it’s invaluable. xx
- 7 years ago
Godfrey Family
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Godfrey Family started crowdfunding
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Oct 12, 2018
Alisha Roberts
Oct 7, 2018
Oct 7, 2018
Thinking of you all, keep fighting
Oct 6, 2018
Oct 6, 2018
Praying for you to be healed, from the bottom to my heart. You will beat it.
Oct 6, 2018
Oct 6, 2018
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