We did it!
Ian Donaldson raised £13,897 from 80 supporters
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Closed 01/04/2019
Iʼve raised £13,897 to help the Brennan family in their time of need.
- Funded on Monday, 1st April 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
Imagine your child going to bed on Christmas Eve with a cold, and on Christmas morning being rushed to hospital and put in an induced coma... its unimaginable isn't it, and something you would not wish on anyone.
This is precisely what has happened to local boy Robert Brennan. He had become unwell a couple of days before Christmas with flu like symptoms and so was taking cold and flu tablets like any other person would. During the night on Christmas Eve his breathing was becoming rapid and by Christmas morning his mum called an ambulance and he was taken to Leighton hospital with a suspected kidney infection.
On arrival Robert was quickly diagnosed with severe pneumonia and sepsis, put in a medically-induced coma and transferred to Alder Hey Children's Hospital's critical care unit where he also tested positive for swine flu. He is now on a machine and fighting for his life.
As you can imagine this is an extremely difficult time for Robert's family and his Mum has been at his bedside since he was admitted on Christmas Day, A few fundraising events have been set up to help the family and I wanted to do something personally to help them cover the cost of bills and day-to-day living expenses whilst Robert is in hospital but also to help them once he comes home as it will take a lot of adjustment; as they have been informed that Robert will have brain damage when he eventually comes out the coma.
As Sam White of Pukka Insurance had already challenged me to go alcohol free and me thinking that in our industry and with my circle of friends that is just impossible – it was hearing about Robert that made me take this challenge on. And trust me, for those who know me…. This is a challenge!! Some may even say harder than my Mont Blanc Trek! But in all seriousness this is an immensely worthwhile cause and I hope that you will all support me in helping Robert and his family.
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Ian Donaldson started crowdfunding
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Emma Rawlinson
Apr 1, 2019
A great achievement for an even greater cause.Totally worth the effort!
Apr 1, 2019
Great effort Ian...All the best Tony
Paula Gowland
Mar 26, 2019
Go Ian - super impressed!And a great cause x
Mar 26, 2019
You should feel proud!
Scott Kennedy
Mar 26, 2019
Tremendously supportive of this fund raise and fingers crossed Robert makes a full recovery.
Mar 25, 2019
3 months drink free deserves at least this mate, plus a great cause.
Dean owen
Mar 23, 2019
Great cause Ian well done to everyone donating
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