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Ian Williams raised £1,348 from 71 supporters
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Closed 05/09/2018
- Preston, UK
- Funded on Wednesday, 5th September 2018
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The biggest mass murder of innocent lives in this country.The people who committed the crime have NEVER been brought to justice by the authorities.
On November 21st 1974 two bombs went off in two Birmingham pubs. 21 people died, hundreds were injured, some of these were life changing. Normal everyday people, having a drink after work, or just starting a night out with friends. It devastated families, and the community. No answers have been forthcoming, and the families have continued there fight with no help from our justice system. They have recently tried and failed to get legal aid. Below is an account of recent events ( 12/11/17), in the words of Julie Hambleton, who lost her sister Maxine in the blast. We've received devastating news today, where the legal aid agency have refused our application for funds to be represented at the forthcoming judicial review (where we are challenging the Coroner's decision - he has used his wide discretion to exclude the murderers from the inquest - who made the bombs, who directed them, who carried them, who planted them and their associates) As such, we are now looking to the great people of our country to help us challenge the Coroner and help us raise money to do so.The fact that the authorities continue to create barriers stopping us from being legally represented, only adds to the myth & rumour that they do not want the truth to be in the public domain. What is it they're are so scared of us knowing? Why do they thwart us at every opportunity? We are not the murderers! We went to the Legal Aid Agency because a judge found that there was sufficient merit for the challenge to be heard before a panel of judges – the Legal Aid Agency appears not to think there is such merit or sufficient public interest to award public funding for such an important challenge. This is despite the fact that public funding has been and continues to be made available to the Coroner, West Midlands Police, Home Office, Police Federation and others to defend his Ruling, but NOT to us (the victims' families). We are therefore now with our backs against the wall – again – with important deadlines to be met before the two day hearing in December and urgently require £20,000 to continue to fund our legal representation so we can argue our case at its highest. This is yet another example of how the families are continuously being obstructed from getting to the truth and from having fair access to Equality of Arms in legal funding. Ironically, if we were in Northern Ireland, we would not have to even apply for legal aid, because the judge has found merit in our case! Please help us raise our plight. We are desperate for funds and need all the help we can get to fight for our loved ones who are not here to fight for for truth, justice & accountability themselves. Even if it is £1 - we desperately need YOUR help! Please Please help us!
7 years ago
Ian Williams
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
7 years ago
Ian Williams
7 years agohttps://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/ian-williams-5
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7 years ago
Ian Williams
7 years agoI would just like to say a big THANK YOU to all those people that have donated so far,to the lads at work who have pledged and friends of mine here on Face Book and Twitter, and also to those that I don't know it's much appreciated.At the moment I have £394 donated on Just Giving. In about four hours time ,Three weeks from today I shall be arriving in Birmingham and my journey of 106 miles will be over.But the Campaign will still go on until we get JUSTICE FOR THE 21.
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D Roach
Jun 30, 2018
This is a worthy cause. I hope they get justice after all this time.
John C UCB
Jun 29, 2018
Well done!
Jun 21, 2018
Paul Heath
Jun 19, 2018
Well done mate great effort.Top man
Jun 19, 2018
Ges Teager
Jun 19, 2018
Hope the walk is a huge success, great cause.
Jun 18, 2018
Good luck - all the very best!
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![Ian Williams](https://images.justgiving.com/image/594f8e84-dc15-43e8-bbaf-3f59ac219cec.jpg?template=CrowdfundingOwnerAvatar)
Ian Williams
Preston, UK
I'm 53 married and live in Preston ,Lancashire North West England.I am working class and believe in this Campaign to get JUSTICE for the 21 people that were murdered.This is my way of helping and making people aware of what the families of the innocent victims are going through.