We did it!
Ian Snead raised £3,220.1 from 54 supporters
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Closed 09/04/2023
Iʼve raised £3,220 to pay for 200 new rugby balls and 50 pairs of new boots to be taken to Jamaica and given directly to rugby-playing high schools on the island.
- Funded on Sunday, 9th April 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
If you don't have a ball you cant play.
Cobham Rugby Club is touring Jamaica in April this year and while on the island will be visiting rugby playing High schools to donate as much rugby kit as we can.
So on this basis and with the knowledge that one School we spoke to said:
"I currently have only two balls working with a team of 40-plus players"
We decided to focus on bringing as many balls as possible; 100 is our minimum target. This Photo is of the team from Aabuthnott Gallimore High School (https://www.facebook.com/aabuthnott.gallimorehigh) in Alexandria, Jamaica.
Rugby Balls will be supplied by https://www.ramrugby.co.uk who have discounted the purchase price for this cause.
Flights, ground transfers and accommodation has been paid for by the touring party and tour sponsors. https://www.jpshipping.co.uk and https://www.geestline.com/
We are asking you for £7.20 each to help this fundraise...
Thank you!
- 2 years ago
Ian Snead
2 years agoDear All, We have had 54 donations reaching £3,220 and we are now closing the page as we are off in 10 days. So far we have, with these funds, purchased: 150 Balls, 50 Adidas Boots, 6 Tackle Shields, Cones, and 100 + Mouthguards. We are going to be making another purchase of rugby boots next week. Every penny donated is going directly to the boys and girls of Jamaica. We will be posting lots of pictures so you too can see their smiling faces. One Love!! Ian
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- 2 years ago
Ian Snead
2 years agoDear All, We set out to raise £720 to purchase 100 new balls from Ram Rugby. Within 24 hours we surpassed that target due to all of you here. At the time of posting this update, we have raised £2,250. Yesterday, I met with Ram Rugby and have decided to increase our target to £3k so that we can buy the following to take with us. - 200 New Balls - 10 Ball bags. - 5 sets of 50 cones - 6 curve hit shields - 50 Rugby Boots (£1k reserve not from Ram) This is an update only, but feel free to share this page. One Love x
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Don Faul
Apr 6, 2023
Matt Langston
Apr 1, 2023
Enjoy the Tour Boys. Great way to give back a little
Lee Clarke
Mar 29, 2023
Good luck guys!
Ian Shervell
Mar 28, 2023
Chris Reynolds
Mar 28, 2023
Have a great tour!
Antony Rapley
Mar 28, 2023
Good Luck fellas.
Mar 28, 2023
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