We did it!
Rose Teanby raised £40 from 2 supporters
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Closed 22/11/2017
Iʼve raised £40 to restore and care for the grave of pioneering Victorian photographer Robert Howlett
- St Peter and St Paul, Wendling, Norfolk, United Kingdom
- Funded on Wednesday, 22nd November 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
Following the successful crowdfund for the restoration of Robert Howlett's grave, further donations have been offered by kind individuals wishing to contribute to the project.
This extended crowdfund is in response to several requests for an online donation facility and all funds will be used for either the rededication ceremony on 14th October 2017 or in the continued care of his grave.
- 8 years ago
Rose Teanby
8 years agoOne month to go before Robert Howlett's rededication ceremony, to celebrate the restoration of his grave. Donations still welcome. I am hoping to produce a commemorative booklet to mark the occasion.
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- 8 years ago
Rose Teanby
8 years agoThe re-engraving of the inscription on Robert Howlett's grave has been completed. Stonemason Paul Miles used expert craftsmanship, authentic to 1858, to bring the existing but obscured text back to life. Robert Howlett's grave is now stable, legible and peaceful for the first time in many years. Thanks to the experts who have transformed his memorial and to the donors who made it possible.
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- 8 years ago
Rose Teanby
8 years agoOn 1st August Robert Howlett's grave was restored after a successful crowdfund through JustGiving.com. There was much greater damage than originally thought, with the structural integrity of the grave severely weakened by tree roots and general subsidence. Saxon Monumental Craft worked tirelessly to overcome these unexpected obstacles and provide the solid base needed for the heavy York stone 1858 memorial. Thanks to all donors who made this possible. Re-engraving of the existing but obscured text is to follow.
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Rose Teanby started crowdfunding
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Aug 30, 2017
Graham Harrison
Jul 25, 2017
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Rose Teanby
St Peter and St Paul, Wendling, Norfolk, United Kingdom